The national electricity system today reached a new level register of power consumption due to the high temperatures that are recorded in much of the country.
According to a report by the Wholesale Electricity Market Administration Company (Cammesa), electricity demand has reached an all-time high of 29,089 megawatts (MW) at 3:15 p.m. on Monday, surpassing the previous record of 28,562 MW recorded last Friday. At that time, the temperature in Buenos Aires was 36.1 degrees. He thus broke the record recorded only 3 days ago.
There hello heat The persistence observed in March is the main cause of this increase in electricity demand. Buenos Aires, for example, recorded an average maximum temperature of 32.3 degrees Celsius (°C) for the past 14 consecutive days, leading the capital city of Buenos Aires to be placed on a red alert from the National Meteorological Service (SMN).

The heat affected much of the country, with extremely high temperatures in central and eastern regions. Last Saturday, for example, the electrical system reached a new consumption record for a weekend day, reaching 27,203 MW at 2:35 p.m.
Despite these high temperatures, it is expected that the situation will begin to improve in the coming days with the arrival of rain and a gradual drop in temperatures. Relief is expected to reach Saturday with a thermal mark of 26 degrees.
In summary, the increase in electricity consumption recorded today in the country is a reflection of the unprecedented high temperatures that were recorded in March. The authorities recommend that the population take measures to reduce their electricity consumption and to be attentive to the alerts of the SMN as long as the heat wave continues.
According to Cammesa, during this summer other records have already been broken in addition to the one recorded on Monday; apart from the aforementioned last Friday, where 28,562 MW were recorded; there were further breaks from the maximums recorded on previous days.
Before Friday, March 10, the record belonged to December 6, 2022 (it is considered summer due to high temperatures).
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As far as weekend days are concerned, the record belongs to February 11 this year, when the maximum historic SADI power was recorded for a summer Saturday, with 26,746 MW recorded at 3:19 p.m.; Meanwhile, the maximum recorded on a Sunday occurred the next day, the 12th of last month, with a power of 25,739 MW at 4:16 p.m.
To find the other energy consumption readings, one on a Saturday and another on a working day in summer, you have to go back to January of last year. On Friday 14 and Saturday 15 of this month, an energy consumption of 559 GWh and 575.9 GWh was recorded respectively.
According to the SMN, these temperatures are considered “very dangerous” for people, even those who are in good health. It is therefore important to take into account certain recommendations to avoid heatstroke and cope with high temperatures as well as possible.
Among the measures recommended to prevent heatstroke, we note the importance of maintaining good hydration and nutrition, avoiding drinks that are too cold or too hot, heavy meals and consuming plenty of water.
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It is also suggested to reduce physical activity during the hottest hours, to stay in cool and ventilated places, to dress in light and loose clothing, to wet the body frequently, to avoid direct exposure in the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages and never stay in closed places without ventilation.
If you suffer from heat stroke, the most common symptoms include body temperatures over 40 degrees Celsius, hot and red skin, rapid breathing and heartbeat, throbbing headaches, as well as a altered mind such as dizziness, lightheadedness, disorientation, delusions, confusion or even loss of consciousness. In case of presentation of one of these physical signs, it is recommended to go to a medical center to receive the necessary care.
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