There Attorney General of the Nation today asked the national government to “urgently” take measures to prevent federal prisons drug bosses continue to run the drug trade and order crimes, kidnappings and threats, as detected in forensic investigations. For this, he sent her back a series of proposals that he had sent her in October 2021such as installing inhibitors cell phones, more requisitions in pavilions and fewer benefits.
The request arose after a meeting held this morning at the Attorney General’s Office in which different prosecutors participated who analyzed the state of the situation after the events that have occurred in recent weeks in the city of Rosario and was addressed to the Minister of Justice of the Nation, martin soriawhich falls under the Federal Prison Service — in charge of the former judge María Laura Garrigós de Rébori— including maximum security prisons the main drug lords are arrested from the country.
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“Due to the extreme gravity and relevance of the problem exposed, reiterate to the National Executive Power, through the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, the recommendations made by this Public Prosecutor’s Office on October 12, 2021, so thaturgentlyall national public administration bodies, extreme low“, indicates the note of the attorney general to which he consented GlobeLiveMedia.
Prosecutors added that it should be.”avoid the various factors that facilitate or favor this type of maneuver and mitigate the serious deterioration that these crimes represent for society, Internal security within penitentiary establishments and the various players in the criminal procedure (judges, prosecutors, civil servants and agents of the judiciary and public prosecutors, victims, witnesses and police personnel), ensuring general prevention and, where appropriate, reporting the actions that have been adopted for these purposes”.

In addition to the note to the national government, the attorney general — in charge of Eduardo Casal— will ask the President of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, Horace Rosattithat an approach be promoted between the different instances of the judiciary continue the analysis of the proposals on the subject.
The meeting took place in the presence of the Secretary of Institutional Coordination of the Attorney General, Juan Manuel Olima Espel; the head of the Narcocrime Prosecutor’s Office (PROCUNAR), Diego Iglesias; that of the Administrative Investigations Prosecutor (PIA), Sergio Rodríguez; the prosecutor of administrative investigations, Andrea Garmendia Orueta; and the members of the Investigations and Litigation Department of the PIA, Alejandro Patuna Sumicky there Luis Arocena.
Each area analyzed the situation of what is happening in federal prisons. For example, reference was made to the fact that the law on the execution of the custodial sentence prohibit the use of cell phoness in detention units although inmates own them. This same norm establishes that “it must carry out install inhibitors in the pavilions or modules of each prison”, which Never it’s done.
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This week they were made raids in the prisons of Ezeiza, Marcos Paz and Trelew to the cells of the leaders of the Rosario organization “Monkeys” and they met cell phones. And in Trelew, a hole in the wall was found in a cell through which inmates pass their mobile phones.
For this reason, another of the points of the meeting was the complicity prison officers with organized crime. In this regard, the PIA reported on the actions it has taken to prevent and investigate SFP collusion. The meeting also discussed kidnappings with extortion ordered from prisons where prison officers also participated in the delivery of cell phones to commit these crimes.

In October 2021, PROCUNAR prepared a report reporting on 19 Drug Boss Cases that from prisons they continued to run the drug trade and committed other crimes. “He warned, with great concern, the advance of a criminal demonstration which brings with it serious threats against the safety of the population, in general, and of the operators of the system of administration of justice, in particular. This is the case of the increase in drug trafficking, transportation and marketing maneuvers and other related crimes (asset laundering, homicides, extortion kidnappings or threats), planned or carried out from prisons” , says the report.
Along with the work, the Attorney General sent the national government a series of proposals to prevent these crimes from continuing to be committed. Between them, that cell phone blockers be installed in the wards, that places of detention be subject to more periodic searches, that the complicity of prison officers be checked and that there be more rigor in the advantages that can be obtained by prisoners with a higher risk profile.
These proposals have been reiterated today so that they can be implemented.
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