Omar Perotti, in an official document. He comes from crossings with Aníbal Fernández and has a deteriorated relationship with the president

He impact due to mafia threat Lionel Messme and the shock due to the death of a 12-year-old boy in a drug attack, they ended up drastically altering the public agenda. The government’s initial scheme against the escalation of violence and insecurity suffered by Rosario was related to internal considerations, as well as exaggerated statements of Annibale Fernandez. It lasted less than a week. AND Alberto Fernandez he had to face a message -recorded, to avoid verbal risks- with a central announcement: greater help from the federal forces and the deployment of the army in the tasks of urbanization. Seriously studied military participation or question of image? Be that as it may, it reopens a substantive debate, in a context of little chance of political agreements.

Caution with a lingering undertone of unease marked the response from the governor of Santa Fe and the mayor of Rosario. Omar Perotti there Paul Javkin They each said in their own way what are they waiting for now concrete results some announcements. The provincial leader of Peronism comes from hard crosses to the Minister of the Interior and has a deteriorated political relationship with the president. And the mayor has been demanding for a while that Rosario’s painting be understood as a national problem and was interrogated for some time by the history of the progressive front in the province.

With this political climate and a dense social framework, Aníbal Fernández will be received in these hours. You must combine the work with the two referents that until a few hours ago occupied the center of reviews and of a rustic “strategy” government to solve the problem. It has been said: the intention is confine the problem to the provinceplacing the burden on local security -which lives from crisis to crisis-, and presenting just as the exclusive result of years of socialist management.

it is clear that they exist past and present local responsibilities. But the extent of the expansion of the narco reveals what scholars of the subject and common sense point out: it is a nationwide problem -a question of status- which has maximum or coarsest expression in Rosario. This is what successive local authorities refer to, beyond their game to avoid or mitigate their own guilt.

At the moment, the military factor looms. Claims or threats of participation by the armed forces would require a broad political debate and, if necessary, accept changes in laws in force in Congress. It is a subject that divides the waters. the presidential announcement warns the sectors of the front in power. And in opposition nor is there a unified position. The most recent example is that of the declarations of Horace Rodriguez Larreta y Patricia Bullrich. They express differences: the head of the government of Buenos Aires speaks of assistance – logistical or complementary, non-operational – and the head of the PRO, of a more direct involvement.

Lionel Messi and the poster left behind after the attack on the Roccuzzo family supermarket
Lionel Messi and the poster left behind after the attack on the Roccuzzo family supermarket

Of course, in general terms, there is consensus on the role of the military in effective tasks. against drug penetration from abroad. And the alleged interventions in support aspects -for example, the urbanization works in popular neighborhoods announced by the President- touch, suggest image question. It’s a disturbing fact: without caring too much about the difficulty of such tasks in the field without containment measures on the actions of the narco network. We know his power of corruption in the police and security forces, a power that has long expressed itself not in a “blind eye” but in association with crime.

Alberto Fernández’s announcement caused A suprise by the speed of the public turnaround and, above all, questions on the implementation of the measures. The number of troops of the federal forces and the rhythm of arrival and installation constitute the center of the reactions of Perotti -also, of Javkin- on the immediate results you expect. Further conversations – particularly with the mayor of Rosario – will require the Ministry of Defense to clearly establish What will the Army soldiers do in the urbanization plans?some have already started.

The movements of the national government last week had revealed the inertia of three years of management fueled by takes away and by movements in internal logic. The Minister of Security insisted on this speech even after the enormous impact caused by the attack on the supermarket of the family of Antonela Roccuzzo and the mafia message to Messi, the origin and meaning of which continue to generate various speculations in the political media. Added to the succession of acts of violence was the drug-related shooting which left three boys injured and killed. maximum sherry12 years.

The designation of Agustin Rossi agreeing on a response with the governor of Santa Fe appeared to be a presidential gesture, limited but aimed at considering the gravity of the situation. All the same, she looked like a trainee, because domestic considerations seemed to weigh before the ministerial hierarchy. Rossi would act like leaderbut i would do it for are Knowledge and Walking in Santa Fe Peronism.

The president’s video then marked a slightly more realistic turn on the scale of the problem and its consequences, as well as a reading on the media dimension. In any case, Perotti replied measured way. A few hours before Olivos’ message, he had expressed his discomfort with what he described as “gross disproportion” in the allocation of resources to the province. And later he pointed out that the fact that the government will modify his original position and said he now had to ensure that the measures have practical results.

It is likely that the shock caused by the latest events in Rosario will lead to the treatment of some bills, in the deputies, to improve in the medium term the actions of federal justice in Santa Fe. We will see if something similar happens in the Senate. So far, the central theme of the ruling party in the deputies has been the impeachment of the Supreme Court, a procedure with an exposure objective and with no chance of going beyond this stage. And in the Senate, the image continues to be dominated by Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner: yesterday, he took advantage of an act to right to the president and reiterate the speech that assimilates the judges to the past of the coups d’etat. All striking in the midst of these political spasms.

Continue reading:

Behind Alberto Fernández’s announcement: how many gendarmes and police will the government send to Rosario?
The government against drug trafficking: six days to coordinate actions and the shift towards a cautious discourse

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