Demi Moore has revealed that Bruce Willis has frontotemporal dementia. The former partner of the actor posted a message on his Instagram account with new data on the health of the protagonist of “Dure to Kill”.
The full message:
Our family wanted to start by expressing their deepest gratitude for the incredible outpouring of love, support and wonderful stories we have all received since sharing Bruce’s initial diagnosis. With that in mind, we wanted to give you an update on our loving husband, father and friend, as we now have a deeper understanding of what he is going through.
Since we announced the diagnosis of Bruce aphasia in the spring of 2022, Bruce disease has progressed and we now have a more accurate diagnosis: frontotemporal dementia (called FTD). Unfortunately, communication problems are only one symptom of Bruce disease. Although it is painful, it is a relief to finally have a clear diagnosis.
With love and gratitude
Ladies of Willis/Moore