After the heavy rains produced by the Cyclone Yaku which affected several regions of Peru, the Observatory of the Agency for the Surveillance of Private Investments in Telecommunications (Osiptel) detected the fall of 275 base stations or antennas, of which 142 interrupted mobile telephone and Internet services in more than 130 towns in La Libertad, Piura, Áncash, Lambayeque, Lima and Tumbes.

According to the regulator, until 5 a.m. on Tuesday, March 14, in these northern regions of the countrythe largest number of downed stations came from operating companies Claro (53), Bitel (44), Movistar (36) and Entel (9).
In addition, according to preliminary reports from the companies, the operation of the antennas has been affected in a high percentage by the lack of electricity in the region, for flooding of antenna installationsand for termination of connections with these base stations.
“We have a monitoring center with which we evaluate in real time the provision of mobile service, or in this case the drop in service due to atmospheric phenomena”, explained the executive chairman of Osiptel, Rafael Muente Schwarz.
Faced with this emergency, the official assured that the regulatory body continues to oversee the restoration of mobile services of Bitel, Claro, Movistar and Entel after the recorded interruptions.
Likewise, Muente pointed out that the telecommunication servicess are essential, especially today, because of the heavy rains, several cities in the north of the country are in an emergency situation. “Mobile phone and internet services should contribute to timely emergency care,” he added.

“At least 210,000 citizens have been affected in the telephone and internet service due to torrential rains in the north of the country. From said incidence, there has been a very strong increase in the assignment of La Libertad. In total we have 132 population centers affected because 142 antennas remained without service”, indicated the president of Osiptel.
It should be noted that the monitoring center Throughout the year, it detects alerts that may arise following the fall or malfunction of antennas or base stations of operating companies throughout the territory.
Besides the immediate coordination with the companies to restore the service, the information generated by Osiptel is shared with the institutions in charge of emergency care, such as the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC).
Users can report if they have any problems with their mobile coverage via FonoAyuda 1844. They can also write to the email or visit the website: where they find information on their rights and obligations.
After coordinations made by the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC)the four mobile telephone operators operating in the country are intensifying their actions for the benefit of the inhabitants affected by the heavy rains in the areas declared to be in an emergency situation.
Thus, daily coordination will be made with the telephone companies to allow the sending of free SMS for users in all areas that are included in the emergency declarations, and the period of their validity will be checked.
In this regard, the Deputy Minister of Communications, Patricia Carreñoinformed that constant communication is maintained with Osiptel and the operating companies to identify service assignments in populated centers, most of which are due to lack of electricity.
As of March 14, 111 population centers were affected by the drop in service at least one operator. In these locations, companies are deploying teams to prioritize the restoration of their services.