At 70, Cristina Kirchner is the political leader who has held the most institutional positions in forty years of democracy. She has been a deputy, senator, conventional constituent, twice head of state and is now vice-president of the Nation. However, a few months after the elections that defeated the Frente de Todos, cannot impose its roadmap on Peronism and awaits a new wave of court statements that will further complicate his criminal situation.
Cristina devised a political strategy that bears an original flaw: she assumed that Alberto Fernández would accept her orders and give up his candidacy for the presidency. But the Head of State has other plans and has blocked the execution of an electoral plan already conditioned by the economic situation and the absence of an institutional plot set up by the Supreme Court.
CFK maintains that she will not be a candidate because the federal justice will order her ban from harming the Frente de Todos. In this elusive hypothesis, the vice-president explains that the Supreme Court will decide on his disqualification from exercising public functions -proscription in his jargon- when the election campaign begins and it is very complex to nominate another Peronist candidate.
From this perspective, judges Horace Rosatti, Carlos Rosenkrantz, Ricardo Lorenzetti there Juan Carlos Maqueda they would be functional to the strategy of the opposition and would seal the electoral destiny of the Frente de Todos. In the sophistical construction of Kirchnerism, the deep and obscure links that unite the Judiciary to Together for Change would have been verified.
The vice-president knows by heart a decision rendered by the Court -with the votes of Lorenzetti, Rosatti, Rosenkrantz, Maqueda and Elena Highton of Nolasco- which benefited Carlos Menem in 2017. On this occasion, the late former president was a candidate for the post of senator and had already been convicted of arms trafficking.
The case had been the subject of a judgment by Chamber I of the Chamber of Cassation and the National Electoral Chamber had accepted the challenge of Menem as a candidate. However, the Court authorized -indirectly- his appointment because the sentence was not final. The leader died without a final conviction and in his position as a senator representing La Rioja.
CFK is part of the Menem Doctrine established by this Supreme Court. She was convicted in the Highway case, and her lawyers decided to go to the high court. So: since there is no final conviction and the case will be appealed to the Cassation Chamber and later -via an appeal or an extraordinary complaint- it could reach the Court, Cristina Kirchner would have enough time to be a presidential candidate in the October 22 elections.
The alleged ban on the vice-president, which the Frente de Todos will use as an argument in the electoral campaign, is a smoke screen. CFK sees little chance of victory in the October elections, and decided to withdraw. It assumes that the economic situation and the resulting bad social mood will be decisive in the choice of the future president.
The electoral decline of CFK activated the political will of Alberto Fernández. The president wants to be re-elected and will go through with his personal dream. Cristina condemns this attitude and demands that the Frente de Todos block the intentions of the Head of State. So far it’s a direct command that has had no results in Balcarce 50.
Before becoming chief of staff, Agustin Rossi He met the vice president. It was a reserved meeting that served to cure a palatial inmate that they organized in 2021. At that time, CFK applied its internal power and Rossi resigned as Minister of Defense.
The chief of staff militates the speech of the prohibition of Cristina, but defends the possible candidacy of Alberto Fernández. Rossi will be a key part of the electoral machine of the Frente de Todos and his political leadership will eclipse the agenda of Edward “Wado” by Peterwhich relies on the Interior Ministry is trying to bolster its own presidential aspirations.
CFK didn’t convince Rossi and he couldn’t enlist either Sergio Massa. The vice president and the head of the Palacio de Hacienda met last Friday -after the meeting of the National Table- and analyzed the current economic situation and the possible electoral strategy.
Minister Massa, like Rossi two days earlier, felt in front of Cristina that Alberto Fernández have the right dream of his re-election and recalled that your main concern is to ensure that inflation calms its frantic march.
Inflation complicates Cristina Kirchner’s possible electoral plans. It excludes Alberto Fernández, but has no muleto that satisfies your vision of power. CFK controls millions of votes and doesn’t want to be. And he is looking for a candidate who takes advantage of his electoral wealth and puts the Frente de Todos in the ballot.
This candidate -today- does not exist in Peronism: only Cristina -possibly- can crown this political objective. However, the vice president is conditioned by court cases and their impact on the electorate.
It is very difficult to explain to society that their convictions against them respond to a dark plot hatched before the courts. The evidence in the case is stronger than the alleged existence of a war that CFK would wage in federal courts.
And the feasibility of the Los Sauces-Hotesur business and the Memorandum of Understanding with Iran has yet to be resolved.
The Frente de Todos will use social media to celebrate Cristina’s 70th birthday and highlight that she is outlawed by justice. The government will also join this coordinated political movement, and Alberto Fernández plans to speak with her before the end of the day.
There is always a truce, holidays.
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