In view of the start of the academic year, the Directorate General of Schools (CEO) of Mendoza warned that they will prevent intoxicated students from entering the Last first day (UPD), a party organized by final year high school students.
Thus, the DGE tries to maintain the measure that it began to put in place four years ago to put an end to the consumption of alcohol during the party organized by young people the day before the start of their final year. . In recent times, the UPD has become a classic for high school students; however, the consumption of alcohol what they do during the festivities. Students usually stay up all night celebrating and usually go to class without sleeping.
As the school year in Mendoza begins on February 27, the holder of the secondary level at the provincial level, Emilio Morenorecalled that “by regulation, on the Last First Day, children cannot enter if they come drunk”, for which he added: “In fact, the director must notify the parents and the police if they arrive in this state”.
For this reason, he urged parents and students to “be responsible”. “From the institutions, through the student center and the guidance service, various activities are organized so that the students have a good day, always ensuring that there is no alcohol,” said said Moreno in dialogue with the agency. telam.
Regarding the results of this measure in previous years, the person in charge of the secondary level mentioned that in 2022 “it gave very good results because, practically, there were no problems in the schools, because in most of them there were was a high percentage of attendance and in good condition”, by students.
You may be interested: UPD celebrations: how to care for young people dealing with alcohol and other substance use
By memorandum 18-SE-2020, the Education Undersecretary reaffirmed that theGuide to procedures for emergency situations in secondary schools and their modalities», published in 2018. This regulation offers the various schools instructions to take into account in the event of possible intoxication.
Three years ago, more than 20 students came to school Saint Vincent de Paul in Mendoza drunk after drinking all night at a ballroom party. As a result, the parents had to pay a fine of thousands of pesos for not taking care of their children and the owner of the establishment was penalized for allowing the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
The Director General of Provincial Schools, Jose Thomasfor his part, assured Radio Nihuil that it is necessary “to put the question on the table”, for which he admitted that “it is very good” that the boys party. “But when this organization transforms to see what it’s like to drink alcohol the day before school starts, in large quantities, with fathers, mothers, responsible adults, who make it possible on the business side or parents who ensure a place and they put alcohol, we are missing a basic rule which is that minors cannot drink alcohol,” he said.

Thomas pointed at the parents and asked, “Why are they doing this to schools?” “Principals and teachers of the colleges They have been preparing for this day for a month; to start in a good mood, tell about the projects they have, etc… and they have to think about how to contain 30 or 60 kids who will arrive without sleep, in the best case and others who will arrive drunk » , she complained.
In this sense, he continued his criticism and again placed all the responsibility on the guardians or those in charge of the adolescents, since he accepted that the young “need to transgress”, but he specified that “the Responsible adults are the ones to mark this transgression.
Thomas thus made a discouraging projection by declaring that “if no one wants to set limits, the victim is the teenager who grows up without limits” and concluded: “We will be a world without adults.
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