Because the levels of Cutzamala System they are already low dry seasonallocations in staffing for the the valley of mexico It did not take long since municipalities in State of Mexico and the government of Mexico City They have already started their strategies to have the least impact due to the lack of water in their communities and neighborhoods.
Germain Arthur Martinez SantoyoCEO of the National Water Commission (Conagua), said that this 2023, the storage of three dams that feed the Cutzamala system, have accumulated a 386 million cubic meterss, equivalent to 49.4% of its capacity, this represents a 23.4% deficit with regard to the history of these dates, therefore, the flow delivered to Mexico City and the State of Mexico is decreased by 2.5 cubic meters per second.
He pointed out that, since February 15, the drought in the upper part of the Cutzamala river basin has been severe, forcing measures to be taken to guarantee the supply of the population, which is also supplied by wells and the Lerma systemto this is added that the The rain forecast for the next quarter will be low. According to forecasts by the National Meteorological Service, an increase in precipitation could be registered in June, under the influence of the climatic phenomenon known as “The boy”.
He also reported that in coordination with ZMVM governments, they are working on the restoration of 29 wellss, near the lagoon of Zumpangowho together will contribute 400 liters per second initially, while the municipalities of Huixquilucan, Tlalnepantla, NaucalpThey reported that they experienced a decrease in the drinking water supply of the 24 percentwhile the government of Atizapanwill have a 30 percent.
Martínez Santoy said that another of additional sources will come from the expansion of the Madín Water Treatment Plant in Atizapán, with which it will be possible to increase 500 liters per second from next June and that work is in progress on the modernization of 2 thousand 300 hectares of the irrigation area near the the forest dame, which will free volumes to bring them to the Bravo Valley dam. Thus, all the actions and work carried out will make it possible to increase one thousand 500 liters per second to overcome the current water deficit.
For his part, the secretary of Urban development and work of the government of the State of Mexico, Rafael Diaz Leal BarruetaHe pointed out that they are drilling wells and that the pipeline and water distribution lines are being improved. In this sense, he mentioned six concrete actions: the recovery of one thousand 600 liters per second with the rehabilitation of road infrastructure; automation works storage infrastructure; rehabilitation of 32 wells; the building of the 34 kilometer metropolitan linemaintenance greater than distribution macrocircuit and the construction of a collector system to improve theremediation of the Colorines dam which drifts into that of Valle de Bravo.
Meanwhile, the general coordinator of the Mexico City Water System (Sacmex), Rafael Carmona Paredes, informed that the strategy of the country’s capital before the drought is to construction of a pumping station in the Lerma Systemthe attention paid to wells and treatment plants will be reinforced.
“Five major lines have been identified that descend from the west to the city center: to the north, center and south of the city, which will benefit more than 4 million inhabitants of the capital; actions that will achieve recovers 1,390 liters per second of flow“, mentioned the manager.
He added that the collaboration of large consumers for the supply of drinking wateras well as establishing mechanisms for increase the use of treated water for the irrigation of green spaces and the washing of cars, in addition to the launch of an awareness campaign on water maintenance.
To guarantee supplies throughout the country’s capital, the head of Sacmex said that 600 pipes will support the most affected neighborhoods free of chargein coordination with the 16 municipalities.
While the municipalities of Edoméx have already begun their strategies to avoid being as affected by the decrease in water as they will have, the director of the Aguas de Huixquilucan system, Victor Manuel Baez Melo He said that his municipality is supplied with water from its own wells and from the Cutzamala system, therefore, taking into account the reduction of 24%, it is estimated that there will be a 21.6% reduction in water distributed in your area and that to remedy this situation, work is underway to increase our own sources of supply, improve the operation of wells, reservoirs and pumping, as well as to repair leaks.
While the Drinking Water, Sanitation and Sanitation Agency of Tlalnepantla de Baz (OPDM) set up an emerging operation of water pipe delivery in neighborhoods where supply has been affected, such as Lomas de San Andrés in the upper part, Tequexquináhuac in the upper part and the lower part, in the Benito Juárez neighborhood and Ex Hacienda de Enmedio.
For his part, he Mayor of Atizapan, Pedro Rodriguez noted that a program of free delivery of water tanks and that it will be only for the inhabitants who do not have a cistern.
Finally, the Government of Naucalpan through its water agency, OAPAS, reported that it was delivering water through pipes, however, users on social media reported that They haven’t had water for three weeks, in others like Tultitlanthe pressure is low and therefore it does not rise towards the high parts of the territory and less towards the buildings which have a tank zone.