El mandatario de Antioquía, Colombia, gives a manada de unos 150 hipopótamos que eran de Pablo Escobar se reproduce sans control confía que el gobierno nacional dé luz verde a su plan para enviar a la mitad de estos enormes mamíferos a santuarios en India y México this semester. (AFP)

Nail herd of hippos that they were from Pablo Escobar are seeking relocation from Colombia to wildlife sanctuaries in Mexico and India where they have greater breeding control, as they have become a serious problem for the Magdalena Medio region where it has previously been reported Invasive species.

Governor of the Department of AntiochAníbal Gaviria, seeks to transport at least half of the 150 registered copies, but for that, he still has to wait for the green light from the national government.

“The information and documents and the preparations are given for these permits to be issued (by the Colombian authorities). Practically right now, we would say that’s what it takes to continue to do the legwork and achieve the translocation of these hippos,” the official said in an interview with AFP.

The small herd of hippos arrived in the late 80s on behalf of drug trafficker Pablo Escobar. After the death of the capo during a military operation in 1993these mammals were left to their fate.

With information from AFP

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