Very positive figures delivered Colgames concerning the collection of resources for the health of games of chance and luck in early 2023.

The entity in charge of operating, operating and regulating games of chance and chance announced that it had collected in January $81,248 millionwhich represented a growth of 27.5% compared to the same period of the previous year, and the health transfers they amounted to almost 265,936 million dollars, which also represents a growth of 24.3% compared to the same period.
In January 2023, the localized games (casinos and bingo) contributed $30.615 million to health, while the games operated on the Internet they paid $28,803 million; he Vote revenge, $4,231 million; SUPER astro, $11,783 million and promotional games, $263 million,” he said.
Among these health transfers, the municipal health funds received $40,058 million, while departmental health funds 9,856 million dollars have been allocated to them. In turn, the Administrator of the Resources of the General System of Social Security in Health (Address) received $172,933 million and the National Territorial Entity Retirement Fund (Character font), $20.252 million. During this time, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation received $16,834 million.
For the case of territorial games (lotteries, chance and Scratch and Ready)recorded a collection for exploitation rights which reached 34,402 million dollars in the month of January 202. Of this total, lotteries contributed 7,247 million dollars, luck 23,262 million pesos and the scratch card $3,893 million.
“Our industry is committed to the sustainability and economic development of the country. Coljuegos will continue to promote the diversification of the games of chance and chance portfolio, the fight against illegality throughout Colombian territory and technological modernization to achieve more efficient processes that allow us to continue consolidating ourselves as one of the most important sectors in Colombia,” he noted. colgames.
She recalled that it is necessary for Colombians to play responsibly, on authorized websites and portals, since each resource generated by this industry contributes to the Financing the health of Colombians.
The collection for the health of games of chance and chance is in full swing. Example of them is that Colgames reported that in 2022 record figures were recorded in terms of betting collection and transfers. The entity has indicated that, for the period of January to December 2022total collection reached $796,536 million for domestic games, representing an 18% growth over the same period of the previous year. ($613,000 million).
Meanwhile, compared to December 2022, collection has reached $76,665 millionwhich represents a growth of 26% compared to December 2021.
These collections enabled all transfers to the Colombian health national games in 2022 were 737.872 million pesos, with a growth of 42% compared to the previous year, with a contribution of 150.363 million dollars between municipal and departmental funds, 480.666 million dollars to the administrator of resources of the general health social security system (Address), $61,571 million to the National Local Authorities Pension Fund (Fonts) and $45.270 million to Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovationthat contribute to strengthening the country’s health system.
“Of this grand total and cut to December 2022, localized games (casinos and bingo) were the biggest contributors to collections, reaching $319,710 million, growing 33% more than the previous year. , thanks to the increase in electronic slot machines (MET), which reach a total of 101,202 and represent a growth of 9%, which has led to having 3,428 commercial establishments which represent a growth of 14% compared to 2021,” Colgames reported.
The entity also specified that the games operated on the Internet reached a collection of 255,376 million pesos. For its part, Vote revenge raised 53,639 million pesos, while SUPER astro raised $120,298 million and promotional games reached $4,741 million.
In turn, localized games recorded bets for $40,283 million at the end of 2022, which represents an 11% growth compared to the same period last year, and games operated on the Internet recorded bets for $26,883 million, with growth of 67%.
In contrast, sales of territorial games (luck, lottery and scratch card) reached $3,429.3 million throughout the year, which represents a growth of 22% compared to the same period of the previous year. Of this total, luck contributed $2,246.9 million, while lotteries contributed $745,791 million and scratch cards $436,640 million.
It should be noted that the Scratch and Ready game modality, an incentive with immediate priceexceeded sales forecasts by 150% and became one of the most popular games among Colombians.
Moreover, that the health transfers of Colombians from territorial games during the year was $411,528 million.