The attacks happened when the vehicles left the scene

A group of people threw stones at police vehicles Secretary of National Defense (sedena) in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas. Initial reports indicate that the uniformed officers seized a truck believed to be from the Northeast Cartel.

The actions were shared via social media recordings on Sunday, February 26. In one of the videos you could see that several subjects picked up rocks and threw them at Sedena trucks as at least two of the vehicles left the scene.

For their part, reports on social networks indicated that the events occurred after an attack that occurred in the neighborhood of Cavazos Lerma, after a crane snagged a van apparently linked to the criminal group.

After the explosions, several people left the scene.

Likewise, it has been reported that events derived from a assault on the uniformed officers as they allegedly killed five suspected members of the criminal groupHowever, this information has not been confirmed. In addition, inside the insured vehicle would be tactical equipment and weapons. In other recordings, a group of three people could be seen approaching with the elements of the Sedena despite being told to leave.

Before these actions, one of the men in uniform throws an object on the ground and a more energetic discussion begins and other individuals begin to arrive. In the middle of the discussion one of the men in uniform activated his gun on the groundwhich caught the attention of those involved and caused the civilians to deploy.

Who throws stones?asked one of the uniformed officers after activating his weapon, as seen in the video. On the other hand, the journalist Jesús González Zuñiga reported through his Twitter account that the troops of Sedena extrajudicially executed three civilians and that the citizens reacted to these events, he also documented that a journalist was injured during coverage of the facts.

One of Sedena's officers activated his gun against the ground (Picture: Twitter/screenshot/@DemonioTtv)
One of Sedena’s officers activated his gun against the ground (Picture: Twitter/screenshot/@DemonioTtv)

In another video shared over the weekend, alleged members of the Scorpio Groupidentified as the armed wing of the the gulf cartelintercepted and held under suspicion crystal sellers in Matamoros, Tamaulipas.

In the recording you could see six people who were bound by their hands and kneeling, surrounded by armed subjects, the victims answered the questions of their captors. They were four men and two women, who were linked to the sale of crystal, as they stated.

Of the total number of people submitted, four identified themselves as drug traffickers and two others as users. At the end of the video, the organization identified itself as part of the Gulf Cartel. “The Escorpión Group does not authorize the sale of crystal nor fentanyl here at the border. Are they sorry? For all those crystal and fentanyl sellers and consumers there is no forgiveness. Sincerely, the Gulf Cartel,” they condemned.

Six people were questioned by armed subjects because of their alleged relationship in selling crystal. Credit: Twitter@Tamaulipasrtc1

Let us recall that, on February 17, in a Monterrey home, they were seized long gunssuspected doses of medication and short arms with vests Brown in color and military type with the markings of the Northeastern Cartel.

In the photos shared on social networks, you could see at least seven vests with the name of the criminal group and on at least one mattress five sidearms and two longarms. Bags containing the alleged illicit substances can also be seen.

Above the mattress there was also a notebook and credentials. While on the outskirts of the property we also saw two agents guarding the premises, there were also ammunition, magazines and communication equipment.

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