Four people were injured on Sunday in Carhaix, on the hill of Penn ar Roz, during the lifting by hand of a menhir 8.30 meters high and weighing 30 tons. The incident is due to the break of a cable, the firefighters of Finistère told AFP, confirming information from the local press.
“One of the cables that held the menhir to be raised dropped, slightly injuring four people. They were taken to Carhaix hospital”.
The elevation of the menhir, with the participation of several dozen volunteers, is the first stage of the 25ha “StoneBreizh” tourist park project, which aims to recreate a megalithic circle in central Brittany.
A Breton symbol
According to the StoneBreizh website, it involves erecting a circle 43 meters in diameter punctuated by 36 granite monoliths 5 to 6 meters high, crowned by lintels, in order to create a place “of celebration” and of “transmission of the memory of Brittany” to “resist the erasure of cultures”.
This circle will be surrounded by a second circle of schist stelae, “a symbol of the brilliance and rediscovered pride of Brittany” which will evoke “the key dates in Breton history and the major players in these events”.