four days later Edmond Jacobo Molina was reinstated by a court, albeit temporarily, as executive secretary of the National Electoral Institute (INE)this body has confirmed GlobeLiveMedia than the official already joined to work, having been dismissed before the entry into force of the Electoral Plan B.

Lorenzo Cordobapresident of the INE, previously assured that the return of the Edmond Jacobo Molina represents one of the many setbacks in the president’s reform agenda Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.
“This week that is ending, a district judge granted the executive secretary of the INE, Edmundo Jacobo Molina, a civil servant with integrity, honesty and commitmentto whom the electoral system and democracy owe a lot, a permanent suspension against the dismissal unduly imposed by the reform and, consequently, order his reinstatement. With that, these legal, arbitrary, undemocratic and unconstitutional Plan B changes have suffered their first legal setbackthe first, I’m sure, of many to come,” Córdova Vianello said in a message on Sunday.
Although the INE has confirmed GlobeLiveMedia that the reinstatement of Edmundo Jacobo took place today himself, it will be at the session of the General Council that will take place at 5:00 p.m. When will your return to activities be official?

The dismissal of Edmundo Jacobo responded to the entry into force of the General law on means of contestation in electoral mattersof recent creation, which, in its transitional article 17, orders the modification of the powers of the Executive Secretary and, therefore, the dismissal of the election official.
“In view of the modification of the powers of Executive secretary With the entry into force of this decree, the person occupying the said position will stop working upon publication,” the article reads.
He also indicated in a second paragraph that the General tips of the INE should appoint from among its executive directors a Administrative Officerfor which he was nominated on March 3 Roberto Heycher Cardiel.
It was March 9 when the Federal Judicial Electoral Tribunal (TEPJF) canceled plan B by ordering the reinstatement of Edmond James in post following a provisional suspension which was granted by the Ninth Collegiate Court in administrative matters.

In the arguments it was pointed out that Edmundo Jacobo was appointed Executive Secretary of INE for the period of February 2020 to February 2026there was therefore no reason for him to be removed from office.
This was harshly criticized by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who referred Edmund James as porfirito, in reference to Porfirio Díaz. And it is that Edmundo Jacobo holds the position of Executive Secretary since June 2008still at the Federal Electoral Institute.
“here it will continue porfirito. How not to protect it if judges, magistrates, Ministers of Justice are part of it? conservative bloc“, he said on March 10.
As part of the legal battle INE has launched against the Electoral Plan Bpromoted a second constitutional controversy before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), now, against the second package of reforms which includes the general law on electoral institutions and procedures, the general law on political parties, the organic law on the judiciary and the general law on the Appeal means system.
During the presentation of this challenge, on March 9, INE asked the Court suspend the application of the rules, while ruling on context of the controversy. In his argument, he pointed to the violation of the autonomy and independence of the electorate by the executive and the legislature.