On Wednesday evening, the participants of Big brother They experienced great emotions. First of all, the final of the leader’s event was played between Romina y Marcos with a question and answer anecdote about situations experienced inside the reality show.
First it was Romina’s turn, who made several mistakes, then Marcos’ turn, who won by just one correct answer and became the week’s leader, which this time meant being kicked out of the final list of nominees and he became the competition’s first runner-up.
In the week when the closest affections of the participants entered the house – the daughters of Romina have already visited, then the grandmother and the second father of Nacho – It was Juliette’s turn to receive her family and her boyfriend Lucca.
In this context, the driver revealed what strategy they were going to put in place to surprise the young woman from Villa Devoto even more. “You are going to enter the house but first you are going to enter with me through the screen, so that this encounter will be more unexpected. Please tell me that you have behaved well,” he said. -he declares. santiago del moro A Luccawho looked nervous and happy.
Then the driver entered the living room of the house through the television screen and announced to the participants: “There is someone who must go to SUM now” and Julieta, taking the controls, opened up: “I don’t I couldn’t sleep yesterday while waiting for this day”.
Del Moro immediately asked her who she wanted to find, and she replied without hesitation, “My boyfriend.”

And he ran to the sum. As soon as he walked in and saw his family, he melted into an emotional embrace. First with his mum, then with his dad and finally with his little sister. “How beautiful you are, my daughter! they said in unison. She, even without understanding, was very happy but the joy was complete when Santiago came back to tell her that he was with Lucca at her side.
“Juli, I’m a word type. And what I promise, I deliver. I promised you something else. Did you want something like that?” he asked the participant as the camera opened and showed her boyfriend. “Oh no!” Juliette shouted. And he was begging, “Bring it- me. Hello my love, no no no. I miss you too much”.

Immediately he was shot down by an unexpected question: “And how are you behaving?” Of course, the young man reassured her with a “yes” and Santiago announced that he was going to ask permission from Big Brother so that Lucca could go see her in person.
At this moment, the unmistakable voice of the program owner was heard. “Santiago, of course, Lucca can enter” and the imminent preparations began for the young man to approach the most famous house in the country.
Julieta ran to brush her teeth and put on perfume. As she put on deodorant, delighted, she shouted the happy news to her companions. Then, he took the two puppies in his arms and returned to the sleeping area.
As a conversation began with her parents and her sister, she anxiously awaited the arrival of her boyfriend. “Juliette, you’re prettier than ever,” her sister told her, hugging her. “Surrender to the universe,” recommended his mother. And he continued: “Everything that happens is for something.”

Immediately after, the little sister wanted to know if Julieta covered herself to change or after the bath. “I never covered anything,” he admitted.
A little later, her love finally arrived home. And Santiago informed them that he was giving them the chance to spend a few hours alone together. “They’re going to leave SUM alone now in case they want to do something, in which case I’ll remind them of the consent,” he reminded her and Julieta ran to hug her boyfriend. As soon as she saw him, she climbed into his arms while the young man kissed her with a huge bouquet of flowers in his hand.
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