A group of mayors from the suburbs of Buenos Aires, including pro-government supporters and opponents, learned from the media of the possible installation of gendarmerie commandos in their neighborhoods. It was made public a few days ago in a letter from the governor of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, addressed to the Minister of National Security, Hannibal Fernandezwhere he asked for details on the deployment of troops in the municipalities of La Plata, La Matanza, Tigre, Pilar and Avellaneda. “Guys, if you watch another channel, it’s not my fault. We work the same way every day,” he replied in an interview. Fernandez to provincial officials. Once again, differences in a sensitive area surface between the national government and the province of Buenos Aires, in an internal who is also political within the Frente de Todos.
Before consulting GlobeLiveMedia, in most municipalities, there was no more certainty as to when the unified commandos of the gendarmerie will be installed, nor where, nor the number of troops. Some mayors, as this medium was able to learn, they showed a predisposition, but they learned of the decision to send forces through public crossing points from officials.
Only in La Matanza is the picture clearer. your mayor, Fernando Espinoza, had already spoken on the subject at the opening of the deliberative council sessions a few weeks ago. He announced the creation of a gendarmerie base which will allow the arrival of 1,000 new soldiers, in addition to those already operating in the most populated district of the province. In La Matanza they predict that within the next 30 days, the tender for the construction of the bases will be signed. In other districts, there is no official information about it.
You may be interested: Axel Kicillof and Máximo Kirchner have left behind their short circuit and are waiting for a signal from CFK to order the Buenos Aires board
for the nation there is no lack of coordination. Actually. they trusted the holding of several previous intergovernmental meetings. The mayors demand the dispatch of federal forces. I had raised it too, Cristina Kirchner in the act at Estadio Único Diego Maradona in La Plata on November 17, when he called insecurity one of the debts of democracy.
The last public claim was made by the mayor of Quilmes, Mayra Mendoza proceeds of murder Danilo Marcieri, a 20-year-old delivery boy. In front of this event, the mayor asked “to the Province and to the Nation that there are more police and federal forces in our district”. The subject had also been discussed in meetings between suburban mayors and even with President Alberto Fernández.
Strictly speaking, federal forces are already serving in different AMBA points. Through programs such as “Safe Stations and Corridors”, where 6,000 soldiers from the Gendarmerie and the Naval Prefecture patrol the stations and adjacent areas of the Sarmiento, San Martín, Roca, Belgrano Sur and La Matanza lines from Monday to Friday from 6 a.m. from 9 a.m. to 9 a.m. and from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., to reinforce security at peak times. “We want the gendarmes to know where they are going and what task they are going to perform. Just that, ”they respond next to Kicillof when questioned by this media.

But the counterpoints, in part, are political and reflect the internal conflict that the Frente de Todos is going through. Hannibal Fernandez He is one of the leaders who responds on behalf of the presidential figure to the attacks that stem from Kirchnerism. “Every day they insult the president and send (Andrés) Larroque to the front,” the security minister said last week, referring to the minister of community development in Buenos Aires, Andres Larroque, who assumed the role of official spokesperson for the Kirchnerist malaise within the Frente de Todos. “You cannot be a commentator on reality and attack your colleagues when he has such a great management responsibility that he is still waiting for results,” Mayra Mendoza replied to Aníbal Fernández, both from Quilmeno.
Another political cloud in the FdT -and for which work has been done to clarify- was the one that occurred between the president of the PJ of Buenos Aires and the national deputy, Maxim Kirchner and the governor of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof. It is because of this sentence that Kirchner said to Kicillof in the act in favor of CFK in Avellaneda: “We must not go down to the territory, Mr. Governor, we must go back to the militancy on the spot”; a call for public attention that triggered several readings.
how he counted GlobeLiveMedia, Kicillof, tried to get out of the episode and channel the relationship with the president of the PJ. This Monday, he appeared with Kirchner at the inauguration of the new Dr. Aráoz Alfaro Immediate Diagnostic Hospital in Temperley, Lomas de Zamora. He showered him with praise for his work as a national deputy. Specifically, due to the sanction of the Extraordinary Revenue Law which, according to the governor, favored the province of Buenos Aires. He mentioned the Néstor Kirchner gas pipeline and the urbanization of popular neighborhoods. He also told her that he was her friend.
The official photo of the ribbon cutting was taken by the Minister of the Interior and eventual presidential candidate for Cristinisme, Edward of Peter; Public Works, Gabriel Katopodis; Provincial Ministers of Health Nicolas Kreplak; and Environment, Daniela Vilar; the President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Province, Federico Otermin; acting mayor Marina Lesci; and the local health secretary, Mariano Ortega Soler. Almost all of Buenos Aires Peronism, with its internal lines, in composition.

But around the same time, who was also active -and behind- was the President of the Nation, Alberto Fernandez. The Head of State has resumed his public activities after the forced rest due to the herniated lumbar disc which hit him hard last week.
This Monday, he presided over the inauguration of the School of Health Sciences building, the first to enter into service on the new campus of the Universidad Nacional del Oeste (UNO). Katopodis, who had traveled to Lomas de Zamora, accompanied the President in an activity in which also participated the Minister of Education of the Nation James Perczyk; Territorial Development and Housing, Santiago Maggiotti; the mayor of Merlo, Karina Menendez; the rector of the United Nations, robert rooster; and the president of Grupo Banco Provincia, Gustavo Menendez.
Fernández, began his speech by talking about the resilience of his government. Just when Kirchnerism asks him not to victimize himself. “If you ever write a book about resilience in government, talk about us, because that’s what we have,” he said.
He recalled the work in the pandemic when commemorating three years of what was the start of the lockdown and said that “when the time comes, don’t be confused because what they are going to offer is return to that past, for six months they did not receive their quota, where they took the land of the University of San Martín, where studies were a privilege for few, where universities had no meaning, where the children of the poor could not access”. He ended his speech with a nod to the future: “Do you know what it is? The past. And as the skinny Spinetta used to say: ‘Don’t tell me that all the past was better, tomorrow will be better,’ he concluded, paraphrasing the Argentinian musician. Until now, Fernández appears to be showing signs that he is still in the running for a possible re-election bid.
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