According to Catalunya Ràdio, Barça has asked the Generalitat for legal coverage to enable voting by mail. At least for 45% of the electorate of partners that could not vote for the municipal confinement. Legal coverage has to do with the modification of the LLei de l’Esport, that does not allow voting by mail (or electronic).

Barça’s request came at the meeting that the Barça club, represented by the Management Commission, had with members of the Ministry of Health and Procicat, to discuss the conditions for the elections to the Barça presidency, which are called for next January 24 and are on the air. Whether or not the Generalitat accepts this legal coverage, the elections should be delayed.

Starting at 7:00 p.m., a meeting is scheduled between the Chairman of the Management Board, Carles Tusquets, and the three candidates, Joan Laporta, Víctor Font and Toni Freixa. In the same, it will be decided on the date of the elections and on the form of government of the club in the immediate future.

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