Amid the damage caused by the Cyclone Yakustill located off the coast of Peru, various issues have turned to Authority for reconstruction with modifications (ARCC).

The program started in April 2017, under the former management of Pierre Paul Kuczynski (PPK), and its objective was to restore all the physical infrastructure damaged and destroyed by the El Niño Costero phenomenon.
At that time, at least thirteen regions of the country were affected by this natural phenomenon: Áncash, Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Huancavelica, Ica, Junín, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Lima, Loreto, Piura and Tumbes.
NOW, Amalia Moreno, former Executive Director of ARCC, said that “prevention was not a priority” during the work of this program. As detailed, this has been included in a second phase of the strategy.
In this context, he also clarified that he had estimated a three-year termplus one more, to conclude with the work in the different provinces.
“it was not the priorityor it’s not that it wasn’t, I think something that’s expressed in the plan was taken with caution. It is said that in a second time studies must be done to find out what is being done. With a lot of responsibility, in the plan they said ‘if we don’t have a single study, how are we going to put, in this list, the work that needs to be done to prevent?'”, he said. highlighted in dialogue with RPP.
At another time, he added that eleven thousand interventions were planned, through the functions of the CRAC as “funding entity” to the institutions intended to carry out the work.
“In the case of prevention, we were a step backwards reconstruction works. (The ARCC) It is created as a financing entity. It was going to be like a mini MEF (Ministry of Economy and Finance) to transfer the budget to the three levels of government. I wasn’t going to execute straight,” he said.
There Authority for reconstruction with modifications has at least nine steps for its outcome. From the year of its creation to 2023, according to the planned deadline, the program is two years behind schedule.
In this context, after six years of waiting, The first phase of the Global Reconstruction Plan with changes is not yet complete (PIRCC).
“(The ARCC) Issues, within the framework of its attributions, directives of a binding nature for the Executing entities of the three levels of government involved in the Plan, in order to ensure timely compliance with the objectives of the Law”, is detailed in the text.