Anthony Aranda there Denis Montejo gave an interview to ‘Prendete’where they were against the last report he presented Magali Medina in your program. In the February 22 edition, the host revealed the dancer’s alleged monthly salary.
Anthony Aranda confronts Magaly Medina and speaks to ATV: “Is working as a dancer starving to death?”
Melissa Paredes’ partner has responded to the TV host for downplaying her job. The choreographer called ATV.
The partner of Melissa Paredes clarified once again that their income is higher than that mentioned in the Magaly TV program La Firme, however, even if they earn 20 soles per hour in class, there is nothing of badness. For his part, Denis Montejo, director and owner of the academy where the Activator works, reaffirmed that the ATV show had manipulated his statements.
Given this, the professional insisted that the interview be broadcast “raw”, without editing, to clarify what he really meant. In the report, Denis talks about amounts of money per class, but he pointed out that he was not referring to the payment of Anthony Aranda, as he claimed. Magali Medina.

Anthony Aranda responds to Magaly Medina after revealing her monthly salary: “She was left for a liar”
Melissa Paredes’ partner assured that she earned a lot more than what the ATV driver’s report indicates. The dancer was supported by the director of the academy of Montejo.
He also said he recorded the video at 11:00 p.m. on February 22, as soon as he saw the note from Magaly TV La Firme. However, he ended up archiving it and later reposting it due to the negative feedback he and his family received.
“I just archived it, I didn’t delete it, I don’t regret anything, I take nothing back, everything I said is punctual and I reposted it now. Do you know that tonight Magaly Medina could release all the raw material? I think it would be best for everyone. I wish he could release the raw material to see if I’m really lying or not, because I have nothing to hide.” he pointed out.

The director of Anthony Aranda’s school supports him and attacks Magaly Medina: “I will not fall into his game”
Denis Montejo, principal and owner of the school where he teaches Activator, has come forward to accuse the journalist of manipulating his answers. Magaly TV La Firme has published a report in which the professional’s statements appear.
When asked if he would take legal action, Anthony Aranda initially said he would discuss it with his lawyer, but stressed that he did not believe it was necessary. “Honestly, I will discuss it with my lawyer, but the truth is that I don’t see it as necessary. I believe that whether I earn 10 soles a month or 20 soles a month, Madame Magaly, I pay you nothing, you pay me nothing. So it seems kind of crazy to me to have to talk about what kind of person you are for how much you earn. In other words, there are a lot of people who earn minimum wage with a lot of hard work and they have to be respected, and for that reason they are not bad people and for that reason they don’t have to be criticized,” he said.

“A bit of tino, right? It’s okay, if she thinks about it, if I’m nobody for her, well, okay, she respects herself, but by encouraging this hatred, this abuse, let them go on your networks and always talk like that, because that’s the intention of the lady, I think that’s the problem, right?” said the dancer, who assured that he did not have to give explanations to Magaly Medina “nor to give details about my daily life”.
Just like he did on his social mediaAnthony Aranda pointed out that Magali Medina you were lying and now you have to check everything your report shows.
“It doesn’t affect me, I came out to deny it because it was a lie, lady, now I don’t know how you’re going to have to cover up your lie because it was a lie. I came out to speak, because her intention is to generate this hatred, which she has been doing for over a year. What did I do to the lady? Did I mention her already? I don’t understand,” the dancer said, who clarified that his profession involves various branches, such as choreography, international competitions, academy courses, private lessons, among others.
“They even pay me to do a TikTok, which is to say, it’s a super big item. If the lady wants to ask me something, she can look me up and I can tell her, I don’t have any problem, but it’s not important to anyone, just me,” he said.
“If you say I’m nobody, if you say I’m good for nothing, a jerk, I don’t know how you say it, why are you giving me so many minutes on your show? Is that jerk giving you a grade? I don’t understand,” he concluded.