Con fortified national palacepresident Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador congratulate women for International Women’s Daywho is commemorated this 8 March and said he was in solidarity with the struggles for complete emancipation of women.

During his morning conference, President López Obrador assured that in Mexico “a lot of progress” had been made in terms of the emancipation of women, and that women pierced in their labor and family struggles, the role they play in their cities and in the public service.
“The driving force behind this change are women. For that, congratulations to womenThere are going to be meetings today. We are going to meet women here and in the Central Patio of the Palace we are going to have a meeting with women, and there will also be mobilizations, protests, the exercise of the right that we all have to demonstrate. I just recommend you to act peacefully, without violencebut the right to demonstrate is guaranteed throughout the country,” he said.
The President assured that 25 million people have benefited across the country with your government welfare programs, 13 million of them are women; all about the Scholarshipswho said that there are about 11 million, the majority of the beneficiaries are women, as in the pensions for the elderly.
According to the president, even in jobs where men predominated, now women predominate. He gave an example of his administrationwhere there are more women in key positions.
Although he highlighted the participation of state secretariats, says that there are people “below” who collect the feelings of the people and who take care of the people, and especially of the poor. For this work, he said the women are “the engine of change”which is done from the bottom up and with the people.
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