The Tabasco Politician Roberto Madrazo opposed the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador for the criticisms he made in his Morning of March 1 to the Minister President of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), Norma Pina Hernandez.
Only three months have passed since Norma Piña assumed the presidency of the SCJN and President López Obrador has alluded to it several times in his mornings, a fact that responds, according to Roberto Madrazobecause the president fears that he cannot control the Cut.
In a video on social media, Madrazo Pintado, who is holding a political confrontation with President López Obrador since the end of the last century, assured that the purpose of the slander and calumny is to weaken the minister pina hernandez.
“In recent days we have seen how Minister Norma Piña is attacked from the pulpit in the morning. This shows that the President is afraid of not being able to control the courtsaid the governor of Tabasco and former PRI presidential candidate.
From his point of view, he said that the fear lies in the fear that the president has that his Election Plan B was struck down by the Supreme Court.
Roberto Madrazo assured that President López Obrador has no evidence with which he can threaten or extort to the minister, for which she opted for “slander and beat to a person through the media”.
The leader of the PRI declared having himself been a victim of this practice in Lopez Obrador in 1994 when they clashed in the elections for the Tabasco Government.
“It’s a role model that the president has. He’s had it before and he’s had it. now that he is presidentin which he uses the power of the presidency and public resources to to defame, slander and question the honor of what he calls adversaries,” said the PRI member.
And faced with the words of López Obrador according to which he would present a defamation lawsuit against Genaro García Luna’s lawyer, former Secretary of Public Security, for mentioning him in the trial that took place in the Brooklyn court, Roberto Madrazo He was even more categorical and assured: “the president likes to do it, but he does not like it to be done to him”.
On his morning of March 1, President López Obrador said that when Arturo Zaldívar was President of the Supreme Court “there was more vigilanceto the judges. And he showed that with the management of Norma Piña, a “Wave of resolutions in favor of suspected criminals”.
This after being questioned about the protection granted to Francisco Garcia Cabeza de Vacaformer Governor of Tamaulipas, and on the publication of the accounts of the wife of the former Secretary of Public Security, Genaro García Luna.
The President acknowledged that it was not possible reform the judicial systemwhich was built to protect the corrupt and the elite against economic and political power.
After these remarks, a message was broadcast on social networks threat against the minister president Since Supreme Courtthe act was condemned by different organizations and associations of lawyers, judges and magistrates from all over the country, including the Asociación Nacimiento de District magistrates and district judges of the Judiciary of the Federation (Jufed), the Mexican Bar Association, law schoolamong others.
The criticisms towards Norma Pineapple also elicited a response from political scientist Denise Dresserwho warned that words matter and produce violence on social media.
“President López Obrador thunder against the Minister Norma Piña and corruption of the judiciary when rulings are unfavourable. But he is silent when a judge grants the suspension to yasmine esquivel, so that the UNAM cannot decide definitively on his case”; he wrote on March 3 on his Twitter account.