No impunity for the army of Nuevo Laredo
Regarding the investigation of military for the supposed execution of civilians in Nuevo LaredoTamaulipas, President López Obrador said:
“The Secretary of Defense is acting. (…) There is no impunity for anyoneviolation of human rights is not allowed in our government and should be investigated.
“Specify one thing… even if they are suspected hitmen, no one should be allowed to execute. We are no longer in the era of ‘kill the hot ones’, not that.
The heartbreaking testimony of the survivor after the Nuevo Laredo massacre contradicts the version of the Sedena
Alejandro Pérez assures that he, like his brother and the five other young people with whom he was traveling in a white van, “did not bring firearms” when they were intercepted by military elements.
At 21, Alejandro Perez Benitez managed to survive a armed attack allegedly perpetrated by military forces in New Laredo, Tamaulipas. With his brother and five other people, they went to a bar in the border town. At dawn on February 26, after leaving the nightclub, they were intercepted by elements of the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena), who opened fire on the civilians, killing most of them.
First direct effects of Plan B
After entry into force of Plan B in electoral mattersone of those immediately affected was the executive secretary of the National Electoral Institute (INE), Edmond Jameswho was removed from office.
Given this, López Obrador quipped about the long time the official served in the institute:Maybe you want to have a job for life. (…) 15 years old and he still dares to complain. are some cinicazos”.
“Again, I maintain that the electoral law they are contesting in no way affects the functioning of the INE.”
‘We are waiting for you back’: Lorenzo Córdova regrets the dismissal of Edmundo Jacobo Molina for Plan B
The current INE executive secretary had been in charge of the post for 14 years and would officially part ways until 2026, were it not for the electoral reform package

As part of the next publication entitled Electoral Reform Plan B in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) and its imminent entry into force, the Executive Secretary of the National Electoral Institute (INE) will have to leave the position he held for 14 years. It is Edmundo Jacobo Molina.
AMLO exposed the actions of several judges in relation to the determination of unfreeze accounts previously blocked by the Financial Intelligence Unit (CRF) when base them on a thesis made by former Minister Eduardo Medina Mora.
“Listen, the argument is that accounts cannot be frozen if there is none application from abroad. In other words, frank interference in the independence and sovereignty of the country”.
Corruption in the judiciary will be the task of the future president
With regard to his own statements on the corruption in the judiciary and the tendency to release criminals after the arrival of Minister Norma Pina as President of the Supreme Court, AMLO reiterated his position.
He also added that although reform is necessary, he will not promote it and that will be the task of whoever replaces him in power.
“There is no doubt that there is a lot of corruption in the judicial system, as in the other two powers . The difference is that in the Legislative Power there have already been changes, there are no more ugly things like before. (…) In the case of the Executive, corruption is cleaned up, there is an austerity plan, luxury is not allowed”.
But in the case of justice there was no change, on the contrary. What stands out is that common criminals and suspected white collar workers are being released. (…) needs reform, I can’t do it. It will be up to whoever replaces me.”
AMLO admitted to having failed in its attempt to reform the judiciary: “I couldn’t, I was wrong”
The president expressed his wish that his replacement would have sufficient support in Congress to achieve a “clear and decisive” renewal of the SCJN

The constant criticism of President Andrés Manuel is not new Lopez Obrador (AMLO) towards the judiciary, in particular, against Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) which he pointed out as being “rife with corruption”.
Asked about the details of the investigation against García Luna by the Attorney General of the Republic (FGR) and the possible responsibility of Felipe Calderón, the president urged the institution to provide a report.
“You need to see the complaint. We can ask the prosecutor, if he has no objection to due process, if he can do it (inform)”.
He ruled out that the prosecutor Gertz Manner appears in the morning conference for a virtual report.
The García Luna case and its link with Felipe Calderón
On the possibility of investigating the former president Felipe Calderon Already Genaro Garcia Luna After the latter was found guilty by a US court of charges related to drug trafficking, President López Obrador assured that his the intention is that no one be persecuted.
“What we know is that the prosecution is investigating. There are complaints against García Luna, his group. And there is a civil lawsuit in Florida for assets that are alleged to be the result of the Corruption.
I have no information indicating that there is a special complaint against former President Calderón. You already know that we are not going to file a complaint like that because we had agreed to question people and that was done, a consultation.
“Although millions of Mexicans voted for the ex-presidents will be judged, was not binding because the percentage was not reached. We were very clear from the start that we weren’t going to persecute anyone, that revenge is not my forte.
What was the offer AMLO made to Felipe Calderón to clarify his relationship with García Luna
López Obrador invited the former president in the morning to clarify whether or not he was aware of the links that his former secretary had with organized crime
President Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) launched an offer to the former president Felipe Calderon in the context of the unknowns left by the verdict against his former Secretary of Security, Genaro Garcia Lunafor crimes related to drug trafficking and organized crime.
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