Given the governor’s incapacities Anibal Gaviria Correa in the projects of Puerto Darién, Puerto Bahía Colombia, Puerto Pisisí, among other port initiatives in the sub-region of Uraba Antioquia, these will be under the supervision of the Minister of the Interior, Alphonse Prada Gilwho positioned himself as governor for that before the assembly of this department.

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This appointment, together with that of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Institute for the Development of Antioquia (IDEA), in charge of port projects of Urabá, was made in November 2022 by the Directorate of the Department of Public Service. The appointment was formalized by the extraordinary session 08 of February 17, 2023.
Its functions include: advancing actions, procedures, procedures, interventions or participation in port projects in the sub-region of the Uraba. During the ceremony, the Minister said: “I replace Governor Aníbal Gaviria with great honor, because it is a matter that shows the enormous strength of the Antioquian people, in a territory like Urabá that they are developing three mega projects , that surprises me.”

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He explained that once he learned of the designation, he investigated and inquired about the projects, being surprised by the scale of them, he described their impact as “national in nature”. In addition, he mentioned the possibility of taking the model to be developed in this department as an example for the development of new initiatives in other coordinates of the country.
“These are truly works of a magnitude of national impact. So, as the president of the assembly says and as you are surely constantly monitoring, these ports and terminals, which are versatile, will generate enormous progress in the department, but the impact is naturally national. It is not only for the department, starting with the area of influence of neighboring departments”, he assured in statements collected by Colprensa.
In his speech, he expressed the need to integrate other departments into the projects developed in the Urabaso that national production can leave the country without resorting to more distant ports, contributing to the decentralization of the country.

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The bodies of two youths and an adult have been found dead after they were murdered while spending the night on a coffee farm
Prada claimed that the lack of ports and infrastructures in Colombia, in the Pacific for example, are explained by the abandonment of territories by the State, and he assured that it was necessary to develop more initiatives with these characteristics, in order to achieve targets set by the national government.

The main objective of Prada, in the role of governor for thatwill be to promote port projects, since its influence is not limited to Urabá or antiochbut will have repercussions in the neighboring departments of Córdoba and Chocó, which will also be able to use them to export the products manufactured in their territories
“I assume this responsibility, deputies, civil servants, with immense respect, with the deep conviction that President Gustavo Petro has entrusted to me, to do so in the most transparent way possible and always delivering results for the country and how to work for the benefit of Antioquia and our regions”, he concluded in the last minutes of his speech.
Aníbal Gaviria Correa, governor of the department of Antioquia, had expressed his impediments to assuming the direction of this work in January 2020, because he has personal investments in the international trading company Uniban SA
This company holds an investment and a 15% stake in the Puerto Antioquia project, also known as Bahía Colombia, with which any decision in the process could compromise its interests and lead to a lack of transparency in its public management.