He former candidate for the Municipality of Lima and former congressman Alberto Beingolea He presented his defenses on the request for effective imprisonment against him requested by the public prosecutor.
Recall that the charge of alleged aggravated collusion is based on a complaint against Beingolea which indicates that he was a ghost worker in the Callao Regional Government. In other words, he received a salary of S/90,000 despite the fact that he did not perform the duties entrusted to him as an adviser to the general management.
In an interview on Channel N, Beningolea He explained that he started working in February 2019, after losing the 2018 regional and municipal elections. There he devoted himself to advising the general manager on regulations for two years.
“(I did) several things. What a pity, but I will allow myself to say a few things. All the regulations, throughout the duration of the pandemic, a hurricane of new regulations had to be analyzed, try to channel it and try to make sure that happens in the regional government of Callao,” he said.
He also replied that he had ordered agreements that the Callao Regional Government I had. Some had expired, some awaiting renewal and some to be thrown away. He clarified that he did not make decisions, but gave advice.
Another task he carried out was to recover the sports infrastructure of the callaowhich was used for the Pan American Games.
In this sense, he explained that the livelihoods of tax charge against him lacks logic because it is based on the fact that he did not perform the functions for which he was hired: there was no settlement in February or January, months during which he worked as advise.
But Beningolea He clarified that it was not up to him to specify the rules within the regional government of Callao, but to the city council.
“It is not my responsibility that there are no rules, it is the responsibility of the city council. If they told me “you have to play by the rules”. Perfect, I did not respect. But no, what I had to do was to advise, it’s not my fault that there were no rules”, he replied.
He clarified that, according to his contracthe had to submit three reports, which he claims exist and are stamped.
Beningolea He also said that his job was to advise and that, from his point of view, he was not doing badly because he continued to work with other officials of the same regional government of Callao.
“More to do consultants, my job is to advise, each ruler has advisers, some, others three or four. At that time I was the adviser and it seems that I didn’t do it so badly because I survived a lot of managers, I advised the general manager,” he said.