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Juan Fueyo, Professor of Neuro-Oncology at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and a world leader in biomedical research, was interviewed on Tuesday afternoon in the program Window from Ser string for present his latest book: ‘Viral’.

During his speech in the aforementioned medium, the expert predicted the future that awaits us and assured that “it is very possible that our generation suffers an apocalypse and a virus kills 3.5 billion people in the next ten years. ”

According to Fueyo, “lthe situation is getting worse, in fifty years pandemics have multiplied by four and in the last decade they have experienced an explosion. AND the situation is getting worse due to phenomena such as deforestation, the disappearance of the jungles that modifies the habitat of wildlife and exposes many people to viruses that we did not know. The risk is increasing very fast unless we do something. “

The next virus

“Let’s remember the smallpox infectivity, for example, which was primed in children unlike COVID-19. OR polio virus and its consequences of disability in the form of muscular paralysis. Let’s imagine a virus that combines these two factors, that could be the next virus responsible for a pandemic, “he added in Window.

Likewise, criticized the lack of prevention in the face of a phenomenon such as a pandemic: “It is clear that this pandemic has taken us by surprise, every year strategies are carried out in countries like the United States in relation to nuclear weapons, I wonder when the countries will consider maneuvers or preventive drills on what to do in the event of a pandemic. “

Negative role of politicians

By last, censured the role of politicians in this health crisis: “On their agenda, most politicians They only have two things: change the past and plan revenge, and when something like COVID-19 comes along, which doesn’t fit either one, they just don’t know what to do. The use of the mask has been politicized, the impact and number of cases has been minimized, the vast majority of politicians have played a very negative role in this pandemic, in the face of science that has played and plays a very positive role, the only one who can save us. “

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