The authorities sent to prison Fabien Leonardo Urraigo accused of allegedly abused by stepdaughterthe subject who was serving a sentence in house arrest for charges of conspiracy to commit a crime, theft and illegal possession of weapons, he apparently used his legal advantage to subject all kinds of humiliations to the minor.

The subject that was captured in the municipality of Guadalupe (wheels), was prosecuted for carnal access with a child under 14for which it was sent to prison. According to the investigation, the subject seems to have realized the events since the pandemic triggered by the Covid-19.
Apparently the little girl in the first place would have told her mother about her stepfather’s aberrant behavior but the wife would have ignored the situation consulting his partner on what was indicated by the miner, listening to a resounding denial from Urriago.
On a second occasion, the girl again commented on the abuse, at which point the mother decided to verify the situation by corroborating with a medical examination which the minor showed signs of sexual abusefor which he lodged a complaint with the police officers who arrested the alleged attacker.
Urriago, who was captured in 2019 for the events related to the “Los Recatadores” criminal structure, could receive a sentence of 12 to 20 years in prison for the crime of sexual abuse of a minor under 14 years old.
The authorities point out that in the event of sexual abuse against a minor What you have to do is go to Immediate reaction unitsURI, to User service rooms or at Houses of Justice. You can also file a complaint with the National Police of the neighborhood, or to a family officeThese bodies will receive the complaint and indicate the authorities to contact to expedite the process.
Once the case is reported, the pursuit refer the victim to Institute of Forensic Medicine, where relevant examinations must be carried out to check the state of physical and psychological health. This procedure should yield the results necessary for the investigation.
Also Family Welfare Institute also has a national free line 141 to report acts of sexual violence, bullying, child labor or to report an emergency involving a minor.
He Ministry of Labour announced the opening of an investigation within the entity because, apparently, cases of sexual and labor abuse. Regarding preliminary investigations, the ministry indicated that the identity of the alleged victims will not be revealed to protect them.
“Some events of this type have been identified at the Ministry of Labor and are being processed. These types of cases, which have not only been presented in this ministry, demonstrate the need to move forward in the ratification and implementation of ILO Convention 190, in Colombia, which recognizes gender-based violence in the world of work.โ, reported the Ministry of Labor through a press release.
Given this scenario and in order to prevent and address cases of workplace sexual harassment and gender-based violence against women and LGBTIQ+ people in the workplace, the Minister of Labour, Gloria Inรฉs Ramรญrezpublished “the circular against work and sexual harassment at work”.
According to the ministry, during the preliminary investigations, officials were identified as being involved in labor and sexual harassment, which is why the wallet was made available to those who would be the victims to accompany them in the complaints. respective before the pursuit General of the Nation.
“The Ministry, in its commitment to defend the rights of workers, has organized various actions, which include training, awareness, updating its internal protocol, among others, in order to prevent, treat and protect the victims of the alleged facts. and guarantee transparency in the investigations carried outโ, underlined the wallet.