After 40 years of uninterrupted democracy, Argentina is definitely a more egalitarian country. Today, we have state-of-the-art laws and policies in the region and in the world, which were carried out in the heat of massive mobilizations and also of the political will of governments who knew how to listen to the demands of the streets.
Today we can proudly say that from December 2019 the agenda of gender and diversity reached the top of the organizational structure of the state. We have Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity who has since worked every day to defend the rights of women and LGBTI + throughout the country.
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During these three years of management, this ministry has promoted policies aimed at reducing gender inequalities and strengthening the economic independence of women and LGBTI, essential to live a life free of violence. The program To accompany provided economic and psychosocial support to more than 280,000 women who were going through a situation of gender violence; with Produce, more than 290 productive projects of organizations have been strengthened; with Registeredwe have created more than 22,000 formal jobs in the private home workersone of the main jobs for women and, at the same time, one of the most informal in the economy.
This year, in addition to strengthening and expanding these policies, the challenge is to generate more opportunities to achieve economic development with greater inclusion. So we thought construction companies. In the International Working Women’s Day I want to tell you about this program.
Construction Companies is a federal policy that targets training in trades related to construction for women, lesbians, transvestites, trans, non-binary and intersex from across the country. It will promote greater investment opportunities in construction and Public work. This sector has fostered the country’s economic recovery, after the impact of the pandemic; It is one of the most dynamic, but also one of the most masculinized.
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My proposal is to break the moulds: who said that women could not build? My proposal is that this interdepartmental policy allow women to be the protagonists of economic recovery.
I am convinced that the only way to build a society with more equality and social justice is to listen to the demands of each territory. Y Constructoras is the result of this federal approach, since it was born from the periphery towards the center, recovering and promoting the experience of the provinces as San Luis, La Rioja, Salta and Catamarca.
A new March 8 calls us to come together in the streets to collectively defend the rights we have won and gain momentum to find what we lack. Output is and always will be more stateful. To those who tell us otherwise, we will respond with more and better policies. With more women and LGBTI working in building the Argentina we dream of.
The author of this article is Minister of Women, Gender and Diversity
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