Based on a trilogy of films, the series follows a young mother trying to succeed in the complicated and convoluted world of startups.
A few days ago we informed you that Netflix was going to add to its catalog of Easy Money series , the series , a series from Sweden based on the trilogy of films based on the books by Jens Lapidus.
Today, we want to tell you a little more about Snabba Cash (name of the production in English), a strip that is causing a sensation on the streaming giant’s platform and giving something to talk about among series lovers.
The story is set ten years after the events that occurred in the films, mainly following Leya ( Evin Ahmad ), a young mother trying to succeed in the complicated and convoluted world of startups. However, one day she gets caught up in the criminal world, so she will have to do everything possible to survive it.
The writers of Easy Money, the series are Oskar Söderlund and the aforementioned Lapidus, while the direction of the six episodes that make up the first season was in charge of Jesper Ganslandt, a filmmaker who has been in charge of many other productions .
Regarding the cast, in addition to Ahmad the cast is completed by Alexander Abdallah as Salim, Ayaan Ahmed in the role of Nala, Ali Alarik playing Tim, Dada Fungula Bozela with the task of giving life to Ravy, Nadja Christiansson playing Ronja , Egon Ebbersten playing Martin Wallin and Peter Eggers as Marcus Werner.
Finally, it should be noted that the opinions of the critics for Easy Money, the series have been the most varied. So much so that the series got a 6.7 / 10 score on IMDb and 86% acceptance on Rotten Tomatoes .