When the web was born, a little over 30 years ago, users could only read, since the pages were static. This website was called Web1. Years later, the web that we all know today was born, Web2, in which, in addition to reading, you can also write, thus being an interactive platform. Now it seems that a new era is being born on the internet with the arrival of Web3 or Web 3.0, which aims to make the platforms a more open, secure, transparent, democratic and decentralized place. But, how will this new website affect the trends in digital marketing ? In this article we tell you about the 11 trends in Web3 that are going to mark the paths of users and brands the most.
The Most Incredible Web3 Trends for 2023
3D interactive web technology
One of the things that Web3 will allow is to offer users and customers a much more real shopping experience. If the main problem with buying products online is that consumers don’t know exactly what it looks like until they hold it in their hands, with Web3 this will be a thing of the past. One of the trends in Web3 that is being seen the most at the moment is the possibility of recreating with 3D technology what a lamp can look like in your living room or a painting on the wall of your room.
This is something that the world’s largest marketplace, Amazon, has already put into practice with many of its products in its catalogue, especially those in the field of furniture and decoration.
Developing technology of this type for your e- commerce will help you stand out from the competition, improve your reputation and your image, and even gain traffic and multiply your conversions.
Brands as a Service (BaaS)
Consumers no longer only look for a brand to be able to buy a certain product, they want something more. And in this context, Web3 can do a lot. Modern-era customers see brands not only as a company that provides products, but as an entity that must be aware of their needs at all times and improve in order to offer something that scales and adapts to each context.
One of the best-known trends in Web3 is the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in companies so that they can analyze and understand customer behavior and report on what actions or strategies it is interesting to implement.
An example of this AI can be found on platforms such as Instagram or YouTube, which offer users content according to their tastes and preferences, something that makes their experience on these social networks much more satisfactory.
In this way, brands not only offer products without further ado, but can go further and give the public personalized service and attention.
A more sustainable Web3 with the environment
The arrival of Web3 will make the internet a bit more sustainable than it is today. However, this will be one of the trends in Web3 that comes little by little. And it is that, there have been cases such as that of blockchain technology that cannot be defined as ecological. In fact, it was estimated that its energy expenditure was equal to that of all of Argentina and that a single bitcoin transaction generated CO2 emissions that exceeded 772 kilograms.
However, there are many actions that are being carried out to make Web3 a more sustainable web. The Ethereum network, for example, updated its algorithm, managing to reduce the energy used by 98%.
But the power of Web3 lies not only in being able to reduce your emissions, but also in creating a technological environment that makes it easier to achieve green goals. For example, it has the potential to help organizations coordinate through the creation of collaborative technology to reduce climate change.
Greater regulation and intervention in the Web3 space
The trends in Web3 are increasing and the technology that is developed in it does not stop growing. In this context, due to its great impact, governments are increasingly determined to legislate about it and regulate its impact on society, the economy and the environment. In countries like the United States, in fact, specifically in the state of Wyoming, regulations have already entered into force for those companies that want to develop or implement Web3 technology. In exchange for accepting this regulation, companies will enjoy tax exemptions and favorable treatment from the government.
Colorado is another case of a state that has also decided to get involved in the world of Web3, only in a slightly different way, becoming the first state to officially accept the payment of taxes in cryptocurrencies.
These are just a few examples of governments that have not stood aside from the evolution of Web3 and that see it as an opportunity for growth and also as a way to impose their power.
Web3 and the decentralization of the internet
One of the main trends in Web3 that generates the most interest is, without a doubt, its power to decentralize the Internet. As we said at the beginning, on Web1 nobody could interact with the web, it was just a visual space. Today, users can create their own content through social media accounts or blogs. However, they do not own their own content, as it belongs to the platforms. What is intended with Web3 is that the authors themselves own the rights to their content.
But the decentralization of the internet will not only bring greater rights for creators with respect to their works, but also greater transparency and the gradual disappearance of intermediaries. One of them could be the banks, thus creating decentralized finance that allows investing and negotiating without third parties.
Many people believe that Web3 will never catch on in many walks of life because it is difficult for the average user to understand.
Web3 and the metaverse
The metaverse is undoubtedly one of the most famous Web3 trends of this new internet age. This new universe intends to create a virtual reality in which different life activities can be carried out, such as work meetings, shopping or dating. In fact, there are already many brands that have ventured into it, selling clothes or virtual objects and even creating experiences. We could say that the metaverse is a great digital environment and Web3 is in charge of giving it life.
An example of one of the brands that has launched fully into testing the metaverse is Nike, with the creation of Nikeland, a virtual reality space where, through avatars, you can play sports and dress in the brand’s clothing. designed for the platform. But without a doubt, one of the most curious experiences is the one created by Metaverse Property, a real estate agency that sells plots in the metaverse.
The opportunities for investors with Web3
One of the most positive points of Web 3.0 is that it offers the possibility of earning income through the Internet to any user who wants to. One of them are investors, especially those interested in investing in startups. In fact, according to data from 2021, investment in cryptocurrency projects amounted to about 30 billion dollars. But the blockchain is not the only niche that Web 3.0 can offer with good investment results. The digitization of processes and businesses or tokenization have great potential in this new era.
In this regard, there are several options offered by the new website when it comes to investing, allowing each investor to choose the one that suits them best or with which they feel most comfortable. The most popular option are the so-called blockchain project tokens, but we also find the so-called non-fungible tokens.
The keys to content in Web3
How will new trends in Web3 affect content creation? On the one hand, the world of interviews can take a 180º turn, since thanks to the metaverse there can be a much closer and even more sustainable interaction between interviewer and interviewee, since travel will not be necessary. With the arrival of the avatars of the metaverse, it is possible to have conversations being in opposite parts of the world, interacting as if they were face to face. In addition, the generated content can be sold as NFT, that is, as unique digital assets that cannot be exchanged or modified for others that have the same value. Times magazine is a clear example of how to take advantage of this trend in Web 3.0 and jump on the bandwagon of the new digital age. In 2021 he began to design his first covers in NFT format, managing to earn millions of dollars with them in just one year. It has even been the first to offer its readers subscriptions in NFT format.
Web3 and its link with NFTs, are they useful?
NFTs are the opposite of cryptocurrencies. While these are a fungible asset, the others are not. We can see NFTs as works of art, each one unique in the world with a specific value. However, both work with blockchain technology, that is, through a decentralized network of computers using cryptography.
For now, NFTs have been used mostly for the sale of digital art, however, it seems very likely that in the future, one of the trends in Web3 will be tokenizing ideas, assets and even data. In this way, NFTs could represent contracts with companies for the sale of goods or services or the keys to our new home.
The benefits of NFTs and blockchain technology are many and, therefore, it seems that they will be very useful over time for both users and companies. They are very reliable, secure and unfalsifiable, making it impossible for information to be lost.
Flux, the future of Web3 infrastructure
We are almost at the end of this list of trends in Web3 and surely you have realized that in this new era the internet is intended to go from being in the hands of a few to decentralization. That is, that corporations stop controlling it through the implementation of blockchain technology. However, companies also need a standard infrastructure that allows them to present their offers. And it is at this point where Flux emerges. This scalable and decentralized cloud infrastructure allows everything you upload to the internet to be hosted on multiple servers at the same time.
The Semantic Web
Web3 is also called the semantic web. However, when the latter is used, it is intended to emphasize another of the purposes of this new Internet era: that of computers using the web just as humans do, and even better. Many experts believe that Web 3.0 will be like having a personal assistant that knows everything about us and will be able to respond much more precisely to our searches. This can be done thanks to his ability to learn. In this way, the more searches we carry out, the greater the knowledge that technology has about our preferences and tastes. Thus, there will come a time when our searches will be perfected and we will find the valuable information we are looking for sooner.
Currently, Web2 shows in the search results those pages that contain the keyword, without taking into account the context. In this way, if we search for “cats”, we will see results related to “curiosities about cats” and “cat care”, as well as “cat adoption”. With Web3 this would not happen, as it would be able to understand the intention of your search.