Facebook announced on May 6th (local time) that it will add some new features to its Messenger and Instagram messaging features.

First of all, for Instagram, the iOS version of the DM function has added a visual reply function that allows you to reply to content including photos and videos. The Android version will be supported soon. You will also be able to see if the other person has seen the message you sent.


Messenger allows you to start recording by tapping the microphone icon when composing an audio message. The audio message itself has always been there, but I had to hold down the microphone icon while recording. It seems that you will not accidentally release your finger and send it halfway.

Messenger will also allow you to archive old chats. Previously, Messenger would show new chats at the top, but also all old interactions. However, you can archive unwanted chats by swiping and hide them on the chat list screen. You can also read back the archived chat from the profile picture of the conversation partner.


In addition, Messenger has introduced a new camera sticker to celebrate the diversity and influence of the Asia-Pacific Islanders (API), and Messenger and Instagram have chat themes named after “Star Wars” and Netflix’s “Selena: The Queen of Tehano”. Will also be added.

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