The streaming platform Twitch has updated its policy regarding usernames. As reported through a statement, from now on, those that contain violent, sexual references or that encourage the use of hard drugs will be removed from the platform.
From the company, they assure that the imposition of these new rules of behavior has the objective foster an inclusive community free from allusions that may be considered offensive or inappropriate.
New policies aimed at fostering a more inclusive community
As they perish, references to alcohol, tobacco and marijuana, which are not included in the list dictated by the new laws, have been spared from these considerations. The rules only affect substances considered “hard drugs” by the platform, which does not include marijuana among them.
All other mentions of these elements, in addition to references to sexual organs and innuendos of a sexual nature, will be considered offensive references and user accounts will be closed.
In the official statement, from Twitch it is stated that, even taking the necessary measures to ban offensive names and definitions, a wider observation range would need to be applied.
“While we remove many offensive names in accordance with our policies, we believe a higher standard is necessary to cultivate a diverse and inclusive community.”
You still have time to put the account in order
The new rules state the following: “Our updated policies penalize usernames that violate our standing with the community, for example, those that incite hate speech, threats, violence or disclosure of personal information.”
Reported names that fit the following categories will also be removed:
- “Violation of the law, including terrorism and child exploitation”
- “Violence and Threats”
- “hateful conduct”
- “Harassment and Sexual Harassment”
- “Unauthorized exchange of private information”
- “Glorification of natural or violent tragedies”
- “Self-destructive behavior”
- “References to sexual acts, arousal, fluids, or genitalia”
- “References to hard drugs – excluding alcohol, tobacco and marijuana”
Do not be scared, the platform is giving users a margin of time to adapt to the new regulations. Therefore, if you suspect that your name may contain or be interpreted as referring to sex or drugs, you have until March 1 to make sure your account is safe.
The same platform has a tool that allows you to change the name, without losing history, subscribers or followers. However, to prevent your account from being deleted, it is always good to avoid the use of certain language that can be registered as offensive.