It has been many years since we left physical maps behind to orient ourselves in unknown cities. Since its launch in 2005, Google Maps has become the leading application for calculate a route between two points without getting lost, search places or establishments, see images at street level or check the status of the real time traffic. Well, the app does not stop reinventing itself and will launch new updates to increase the information available to its users. For this 2021, Google Maps plans release more than 100 improvements driven by Artificial Intelligence to offer the “most accurate and up-to-date information just when the user needs it”. In the Official Blog of Google Spain they have explained the main novelties that the app will incorporate this year. Google Maps is working on a new feature to orient us to places like airports, transport exchangers O malls.

To do this, it is trying to implement advances that allow the app to know precisely the altitude and position of objects within a building to be able to orient ourselves in these places. Thanks to the ‘Indoor Live View’, which can give us instructions on how to get there to your destination in images of the real world and on a small map at the bottom of the screen, we can find the lift, the Mechanic stairs closest, the boarding gate, the platform, the baggage claim belt or the location of a shop.

“Indoor Live View is now available for Android and iOS at Chicago, Long Island, Los Angeles, Newark, San Francisco, San Jose and Seattle and in the coming months it will be implemented in several airports, shopping centers and transport interchanges of Such and Zurich, to which other cities will soon be added. ”Google wants to implement in the coming months on Android and iOS in this app a new layer of air quality what information about if this is healthy or not, which “is especially useful in case of allergies or if we are in an area prone to pollution or fires.” In addition, you want to incorporate a weather layer that says the temperature, the current weather conditions and the foreseen of a place.

“The weather layer will be available worldwide and the air quality layer will be launched first in Australia, India and the US, to which other countries will be added.” The app is working to incorporate a new function will suggest by default the route with the lowest carbon footprint, as long as the estimated time of arrival is similar to that of the fastest route. However, if the ecological route considerably increases the estimated time of arrival, the user will be able to compare the relative impact on emissions of both routes and choose the one you want. Also, in case you always want the fastest route, you can choose it in the ‘Settings’ of the app.

“Green routes will launch in the US, on Android and iOS, later this year and will gradually reach the world.” Many cities are implementing low-emission zones in city centers and restricting mobility in these places to the most polluting vehicles. The app is also working to put in place new warning systems that help drivers know if they are entering one of these zones and if your vehicle can circulate in the area“Low-emission zone alerts will be launched in June in Germany, the Netherlands, France, Spain and the UK for Android and iOS.” .

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