In the past, companies to carry out analysis and follow-up of innovations, what was said or commented on the company, the brand or to be able to know what the market trends were, resorted to printed information, usually buying newspapers, magazines or specialized publications that gave them an overview which to use for making strategic decisions and knowing where to focus the efforts of the marketing and/or communications area. But with the revolution that the internet represents, the situation changed resoundingly.
Since the birth of the Web, with its changes to web 2.0 and the subsequent web 3.0, the paradigm has changed, since by being part of the online phenomenon it is possible to know the minute by minute of the news, trends, presence, positioning , image and what users, consumers or customers are talking about and what their interests are. Precisely the online era allows us to use various tools, including Dashboards which are specific for monitoring this information.
The virtues of these boards are, without a doubt, being able to analyze information from various sources, doing it in a short time and also that the follow-up is instantaneous, what happens at the moment, without having to wait days for something to come out publication, and they are also very flexible in that you can add or change sources of information or the presentation of data at your convenience without much effort, and all this within the reach of a click.
The sources that we can access, simultaneously, are newspapers, magazines, social networks, web pages and blogs, whether they are our own, those of competitors, institutions or other sectors, based on the fact that this allows us a comprehensive and unified analysis. of the information.
In addition to this, dashboards provide a comprehensive view of our brand, company or products, and that of our competition as well, managing to be a tool that gives us the necessary and fundamental information for making strategic decisions that impact the achievement of our goals. objectives in a simple, dynamic, personalized and updated way.