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PayPay for smartphone payments will carry out a campaign to return up to 10% of the payment amount at UNIQLO from February 15th to February 28th.

The target is smartphone users of “Globe Live Media Premium Member”, “SoftBank” and “Ymobile”. In addition, payment by PayPay balance, Globe Live Media! JAPAN card, PayPay deferred payment (one-time payment only) is applicable, and payment by other credit cards is not applicable.

The upper limit of grant is 5,000 yen each time, and the cumulative total during the period is 10,000 yen. The refund will be given as a “PayPay bonus” that does not expire 30 days after the payment date.

Some stores are not eligible for the campaign and will be announced on the campaign site at a later date. In addition, online stores are not eligible.



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