The electronics industry is currently plagued by a major concern, a shortage of chips. This affects all sectors, or almost. And could have consequences on the production of iPhone, in particular.
Apple is a huge factory, in the broad sense of the word. To produce millions of iPhones, you need a very well-oiled organization. And of course, this requires reliable, regular and constant supplies of components. Which seems to be quite difficult to hold today, at least when it comes to fleas.
Production concerns for Apple and its iPhone?
As you may know, there is currently worldwide concern about the supply and demand for chips, the latter is much higher than the production, it is the shortage for many models. And it affects almost everyone, including Apple. Today, according to a new report from Nikkei Asia, we learn that iPhone production may be halted due to this shortage.
Because of the shortage of fleas
Apple does not (yet?) Produce its own chips, the Cupertino company is calling on other companies for this. This includes, for example, Samsung, whose production of OLED components would also be impacted by this shortage of chips, and this, by domino effect so to speak, also affects Apple, which supplies itself with OLED screens from Samsung for devices like the Iphone.
This whole situation is the result of the absolutely terrible winter that swept through Texas and forced Samsung to shut down its chip manufacturing plant. This factory alone would be responsible for producing 5% of the entire global supply of chips, including those used in OLED displays. No one knows precisely which models will be affected and if this only concerns the current iPhone lineup but it could very well be that this shortage will have an impact on future models, and in particular the iPhone 13, of course, which is expected. at the end of the year.
It is probably too early to say if this would have consequences for this generation, we will have to wait a little longer, but one thing is certain, the situation looks quite complicated this year again. To be continued !