You can now download the latest version of WhatsApp Plus V28.20F. Here the LINK of the APK without ads and without banners.
Don’t get banned again. WhatsApp continues to add features in its fast messaging application, such as new emojis or the ability to share audios in your statuses, which are used by millions of people daily to start conversations, but there is also the powerful WhatsApp Plus, an APK or modified app that is having success by young people and adults because it brings several new features.
A few weeks ago WhatsApp was temporarily or permanently suspending the vast majority of accounts that used WhatsApp Plus in order to use the original version, as determined in its policies. But finally the latest update V28.20F from Yessimods has been released. How do I download the APK? Will it be a good idea? Won’t my account be banned? Here we mention it in detail.
Remember that it will depend on each person if they want to have the APK inside their mobile device or not. Many times you may get a temporary ban on your cell phone that will leave you unable to send messages for a few hours. Find out how to install it in a few moments.
Download WhatsApp Plus V28.20F: latest version of APK
- The first thing to make sure is that you should not have anything related to WhatsApp on your mobile.
- If you have been using regular WhatsApp on your cell phone, the best thing to do would be to make a backup on Google Drive.
- After that simply delete WhatsApp from your phone. But you must also delete its files.
- Go to your internal storage, look under Android, Media and delete Com.WhatsApp.
- Now install WhatsAPp Plus V28.20F without any problem. You can do it using this link.
- Once you have it, open the APK and give the appropriate permissions to your smartphone to install it.
- When it is finished, you must accept the permissions and terms of use.
- Add your number and verification code.
- Now just choose your name and you are ready to chat with all your friends.
- Remember that sometimes it is possible that if you chat with some of your contacts who do not use WhatsApp Plus, they may be harmed.
How to avoid detecting viruses when I install WhatsApp Plus V28.20F
- The first thing you should do is go to Google Play.
- There we click on our profile picture.
- We must click on “Play protect”.
- There we will see a message that says that our applications are protected.
- Simply click on the spinning wheel in the upper corner.
- Now you just have to uncheck the tab “Scan apps with Play protect” and “Improve detection of harmful apps”.
- Once that is done, you must reinstall the WhatsApp Plus V28.20F APK.
- Now you will be able to install it normally and without any error.
- But remember to always keep the application updated as they have improvements to avoid a penalty or a temporary suspension.
How to update WhatsApp Plus APK without losing chats
- The first thing will be to make a backup of WhatsApp Plus.
- Don’t go choosing some cloud or Google Drive.
- Once you have done that, simply uninstall WhatsApp Plus.
- At that point you will be asked whether or not you want to delete the APK files.
- Say you want to keep them and now download WhatsApp Plus.
Did you like this new information about WhatsApp, did you learn a useful trick? This application is full of ‘secrets’, codes, shortcuts and novel tools that you can keep trying and you will only need to enter the following link for more WhatsApp notes on Depor, and ready. What are you waiting for?