It has done so as a result of the controversy that has sparked the presenter about the cancellation of his last showing of his play
Exactly, he wrote that “if the video in a disco giving everything corresponds to the same day that suspends function for health reasons, as they give the news, it is a tremendous lack of professionalism and they would not have to hire him in any theater”.
Vázquez has not replied to Sanchís, but if it is justified by clarifying that in the disco he was only after hours in the afternoon, and that at ten o’clock at night he was already at home in bed.
That does not mean that the most suspicious insist that yes if he was really sick, why didn’t he go to bed instead of partying with his friends at a disco.
The gossips also suggest that the real reason for the suspension of the function It would be because of the low ticket sales. And it is not the first time that Jorge cancels functions, claiming the same, health problems.
It seems that the initial pull of seeing the presenter turned into an actor is decaying with the passage of time, and that hook no longer works as before, badly than Vázquez.