Hunter Ecimovic, 21, made an Instagram broadcast with several friends during which he openly mocked some old photographs of himself with famous actress Millie Bobby Brown, with whom, it is said, he had a brief courtship in 2020, and also bragged having acted as a ‘groomer’: a term used to refer to adults who harass and coerce a minor for sexual purposes.
Now Hunter posted a new video on TikTok – his Instagram account has been suspended – to address his behavior and acknowledge that it was a bad idea of him to continue speaking in front of the camera while the comments he was receiving became more and more negative, increasing his frustration and loosening his tongue.
“I was live for two or three hours, and during this time I got more and more drunk. I was more and more irritated, and with alcohol I became more careless, and I said things that I should never have said,” he said.
Hunter implied that he only wanted to “upset” those who were criticizing him and insists that he regrets the way he handled the whole situation for the damage it has caused to his public image.