After the discovery of the bodies of the renowned stylist Mauricio Leal, 47, and his mother, Marleny Hernández Tabares, 67, at their residence at kilometer 6 via La Calera, Cundinamarca (Colombia), follows the mystery of what happened.
The authorities try to clarify the deaths. The Technical Investigation Body (CTI) of the Prosecutor’s Office assumed the investigation and, according to preliminary knowledge, the stylist’s body was found next to his mother’s.
Research also indicates that Leal’s body was found with stab wounds to the abdomen. While Marleny’s was covered with a sheet and no wounds. The bodies were found in one of the rooms of his home.
The Nighthawk’s team CityTv had access to the judicial report of the case, which shows that the bodies of the stylist and that of his mother were found at around 4:15 in the afternoon of this Monday.
The bodies were found by the stylist’s brother, Jony Rodolfo Leal, who was in the company of a man who works for the family as a driver. They arrived at the house in search of Mauricio, because he did not answer the phone and had missed some appointments scheduled in advance.
Upon entering the home, they checked the bedrooms and realized that one of them remained locked, so they decided to enter through a window. There they found the two bodies, without vital signs, lying on the bed.
A knife was found at the crime scene, as well as a note with a message that is being investigated by the authorities, which also analyzed the wounds on the bodies. In addition, the security cameras of the complex are being reviewed.
Mauricio, according to sources, entered his home and asked his driver to wait for him outside. After several hours, the driver suspects that something happened and decides to enter the place, finding the two bodies without life.
A relative also told the authorities that Mauricio had asked the maid not to come to the house.
When searching the house, according to sources, he was not alerted to lost items or suspected theft.
Some celebrities have sent messages of condolences to Mauricio Leal’s family and highlight his career. The presenter and model Andrea Serna said on Instagram:
“A news almost impossible to process. My Mauro, how much we will need your prodigious hands but above all, how much we will miss being kind, kind, always smiling and optimistic, that entrepreneurial man who achieved, at the end of work tireless and original ideas, create a dream space.”
The lawyer and former Miss Colombia Gabriela Tafur said:
“The only thing greater than your talent was your great heart. You saw me grow, you accompanied me by the hand in the most important events of my life and you were there unconditionally and selflessly. What will you do to me? Back up, my baby. How empty the one you leave.”
For her part, the actress and model Carmen Villalobos said in the same social network: “A difficult news to assimilate. A big hug to heaven”.