Tragic news for the world of bullfighting and the social chronicle. Jaime Ostos, a well-known bullfighter for his career in the bullrings and his appearances in the couché role, has lost his life at the age of 90 as a result of a heart attack that he suffered this morning, although it has not been until now that it has been made known the tragic news.
In the same way, Makoke, collaborator of ‘Viva la vida’, has been able to speak with Jacobo Ostos, who is also devastated by the death of his father. The DJ has revealed that Jaime Ostos will be cremated in Colombia and that his mother will travel back to Spain today with the ashes so that the bullfighter can rest eternally in his native land.
“My father was great, he died as he wanted: dancing with his people and the love of his life,” said Jacobo Ostos. Some beautiful words that have moved the collaborators of ‘Viva la vida’
In good health
The latest news that came from Jaime Ostos about his state of health indicated that he was well, within his advanced age. The bullfighter was 90 years old, had undergone two recent surgeries and had overcome the coronavirus.
However, and despite his considerable weight loss, which remained at 40 kilos, “he was getting in shape”, as they have assured from the Emma García program,