A close source confirms to this newspaper that the tonadillera “does not raise its head”

The magic of Christmas is not glimpsed on the edge of Cantora, no one will sing Christmas carols on Christmas Eve, nor will she receive with songs and congratulations the entrance of the new year. It will be a very bitter Christmas after the death of the matriarch Dona Ana, the new Treasury embargo and the family clashes.

In the case of Pantoja’s daughter, Isa, it is unlikely to appear around the farm in these festivals, given that her partner and her mother cannot be seen even in painting. It is even rumored that it will be conspicuous by its absence in Chabelita’s future wedding with Asraf Beno.

Perhaps the niece Anabel will make an appearance with her new husband, Omar. The influencer is unconditional of her aunt. Of that there is not the slightest doubt. It is one of the few that has direct access to the singer. The rest must pass through the filter of Tito Agustín, the thinking mind that directs the destinies of his mediatic sister.

They were other times, the family was united and the Christmas carols, the zambombas, the tambourines took over the place. Today everything is different. Nobody wants to recover that magic we were talking about. Isabel is more alone than ever.

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