Kiko Rivera’s partner announced last week that they would not step on a set again until further notice
“I’m not well, the downturn has come to me now, I think it’s the cluster. I’ve been through many situations, I have taken a year of hospitals with my parents, with horrible results, then the Kiko conflict passed. I have always wanted to gain strength, to move on, but there comes a time when I can no longer,” explained Isabel Pantoja’s daughter-in-law.
Irene Rosales assured that the reason behind her departure from television was the stress to which she has been subjected as a result of all the controversies of her husband’s family that have also affected her.
“Going up to work seems like a world, the time at home with the girls is overwhelming, the little time I spend with my husband. I analyze everything and I decide that I have to brake to be okay with everyone and myself. I am not able to manage the family conflict with my husband because of something that I have nothing to do with,” she lamented.
However, now it has been her sister-in-law Isa P who has let it fall that after her departure from ‘Viva la vida’ other reasons could be hidden that, perhaps for safety, Irene Rosales has not wanted to make public.
Apparently, she has been receiving death threats as a result of her work on television. The young daughter of the tonadillera has slipped in ‘The summer program’ that these cruel messages could have been the last straw that has filled the glass of her brother’s partner, who has gone through one of the hardest years not only for the family controversies in which she has been involved, but for the painful loss of her two parents.
The truth is that it was Irene Rosales herself who opened up about these death threats she received several weeks ago. The collaborator of ‘Viva la vida’ was powerless because she could not report most of them, since she receives them anonymously.
“I get letters at home, like three or four letters a week, of unknown people where the most beautiful thing is that we are bad people. Imagine everything else. Many of you are telling me to report it, but I cannot report it because most of the time it comes without a name. Just put my husband’s name or my name and our address and that’s it,” she explained, very affected.