For a couple of weeks that The Russian Kim Kardashian, shared in her official account of Instagram a new account where content also appears to the liking of her followers, although these publications are more controlled and flirty.
It was in her through the stories of Anastasia Kvitko that we find this photograph of which, possibly sharing in her accounts, has undoubtedly been growing rapidly, especially when she promotes her account in OnlyFans.
These small previews of what users registered to said account will be able to see, in the new content they are happy, in the image it seems that she left aside everything that was under her dress, allowing us to clearly see her white skin.
Although it should be noted that her superior charms are covered by a face that says that all her flirtatious photographs are in the place that she herself met them in said bar, despite this the curves of this part of her body were well received by her followers.
The design of this outfit consists of a high neck with lace at the top, fitted to her silhouette and with two openings at the bottom of her upper charms, down below it is not distinguished beyond her hips, you can only notice a pair of threads that cross in this part.
The beautiful 27-year-old Russian model always finds a way to pamper her fandom, something that is not complicated at all thanks to her unparalleled beauty, the best of all is that Anastasia Kvitko is very creative with her varied content.
For some of her followers, it is always a complete spectacle to land on her social networks, appreciating her beautiful curves from any angle and with whatever she is wearing, although she may have competition with other models, her fans do not leave her for nothing.