The US Vice President, Kamala Harris called this Saturday for assault weapons to be banned in the country after attending the funeral of one of the ten fatalities of the shooting that took place on May 15 in Buffalo, in the state of New York, in the north of the United States.
“Do you know what an assault weapon is? Do you know how an assault weapon was designed? It was designed for a specific purpose: to kill many humans quickly. An assault weapon is a weapon of war that has no place in civil society,” said the US vice president.
Harris also proposed greater controls on gun sales, such as a background check to see if the potential client has previously committed any type of crimesomething that already happens with licenses to drive a car.
Asked for her opinion on the shooting that occurred this week in Uvalde, Texas, Harris urged awareness that there have been more than 200 mass shootings in the United States so far this year.
“We have to… everyone has to stand up and agree that this should not be happening in our country and that we should have the courage to do something about it,” said the US vice president, who showed her condolences to the Buffalo shooting victim’s family
On the other hand, the US president, Joe Biden, has called this Saturday to “not stay on the sidelines” of the debate on the possession of weapons during an act with graduates of the University of Delaware.
“There is a message that I hope you will take away from me today: This is not the time to stay on the sidelines. It is not a hyperbole. I believe it from the bottom of my heartBiden told the students.
The president assured that although the tragedy cannot be “illegalized”, yes, we can work to make the US safer, after the shooting that took the lives of 19 children and two teachers in Uvalde (Texas) on Tuesday.
He assured that the country can do “once and for all” what needs to be done to “protect the lives of our people and our children.”in a veiled reference to increasing control over firearms, possession of which is a constitutional right in the US.
“In the face of such a destructive force, we must remain strong. I ask all Americans to join hands and speak up to make this nation what it can and should be.”, pointed out the president.