Upon embarking on the main Hogwarts Legacy questline, players will receive a strange command to search for notes outside the schoolyard. These are apparently written by someone known only as Scrope, who certainly tends to hide the notes very well. More importantly, the character never mentions that specific spells will need to be used to find them. This is where you can find all those Mystery Notes to complete the Scrope’s Last Hope quest at Hogwarts Legacy.

Where to find every note in Scrope’s Last Hope at Hogwarts Legacy

You can start the quest by heading to the courtyard fountain at the southern exit of Hogwarts. The fountain facade will carry the first note from Scrope, inviting you to travel just outside the south exit to discover the next note. As shown below, this second note is located to the right of the exit and stands on a large rock. However, since you cannot climb it, you must use the Accio spell to control the nearby wooden box and move it next to the rock.

Gamepur screenshot

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After jumping on the box and choosing the note, you’ll need to head south to a nearby lake house and pumpkin patch to discover one final note. While there are a few chests to loot inside, the final note is actually inside a yellow pumpkin on the east side of the lake house. To crack the pumpkin, you can simply shoot it with your wand, eventually revealing the note.

Note location Pumpkin Patch Scope Last Hope Hogwarts Legacy

Gamepur screenshot

Scrope can then be found on the shore behind the house, but the search is not over yet. Scope asks you to head north along the coast to reach the Cave of Apollonia, an area covered in toad-like enemy species called Dugbogs. Each creature is level 7 and has the ability to pierce your Protego spell, so crafting potions and changing their high rarity gear should help defeat them. After triggering a scene in the cave, simply return to Scrope to complete this main quest.


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