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British strain of coronavirus is already in the country

The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Nation, Roberto Salvarezza, confirmed this Saturday morning that The first case of the British strain of the coronavirus was detected in Argentina.

“The Inter-institutional Consortium for Genome Sequencing and Genomic Studies of SARS-COV-2, created by @science_ar detected in a traveler from abroad the UK variant of SARS-CoV-2. The health authorities have already been informed, ”the official tweeted.

The Argentine, who had recently also traveled to Austria and Germany for work reasons, had arrived in Buenos Aires at the end of December from Frankfurt without showing symptoms of the disease.

After giving positive in the saliva antigen test that was carried out in the tourist control center at the Ezeiza Airport, it was later confirmed in the Molecular Biology Laboratory of the Pedro de Elizalde Hospital that it was a strain that had never been seen before. registered in our country.

News in development ….

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