The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, will share this Friday a round table with the leader of Fratelli d’Italia, Giorgia Meloni, the president of the Republican Party of Chile, José Antonio Kast, and other Republican leaders of the United States to discuss the future of patriotism and forging an “international alliance” to “fight censorship on social media.”The event will be held in Barcelona and will be broadcast by ‘streaming’, moderated by Vox MEP Jorge Buxadé so that the two politicians address the current political situation “and the challenge that patriot parties face,” according to Vox.

The debate will be divided into three blocks: patriotism versus globalism, the future of patriotism in Europe, and the migration crisis.

Vox announces that the debate will also address the “censorship” to which social networks “subject users who do not conform to the single lines of thought that Big Tech intends to impose at the service of political and economic oligarchies.”

Also scheduled to participate are Americans for Tax Reform President and Republican Party member Grover Norquist; Heritage Foundation member Ted R. Bromund; the president of the Oikos think tank, Matias Karlson; and the president of the Republican Party of Chile, José Antonio Kast.

Abascal already announced on Twitter that he had started conversations with “international political leaders” to confront the “attack” on freedom of expression that, in his opinion, is taking place globally on social media platforms.

“The ‘bigtech’ cannot become global police of thought. And much less of a sectarian thought, which saves space for Taliban, terrorists and Chavistas and censors dissidents. We are facing a global threat to fundamental freedoms,” he warned Abascal.


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