The first bill to restrict the right to abortion in Florida following the steps of Texas was presented this Wednesday in the Florida Congress, whose two chambers are in the hands of the Republican Party, and immediately provoked protests, although it was something expected.
The so-called “Heartbeat” bill, introduced by Republican Rep. Webster Barnaby, requires a doctor to test and inform a woman who wishes to have an abortion of the presence of fetal heartbeats, which are detectable at six weeks after pregnancy.
The bill prohibits doctors from performing or inducing an abortion if a fetal heartbeat is detected, but makes exceptions for rape, incest, domestic violence, human trafficking, or a condition that threatens the mother.
However, women who invoke such exceptions must present documentation, such as a restraining order, medical record, or court order, to legally abort.
Under this bill, lawsuits for violations can be filed and there is the possibility of civil reparations and damages.
“It’s the Florida version of Texas law and it’s gross,” wrote Democratic Rep. Anna Eskamani, who participated in a women’s rally Tuesday in the state capital, Tallahassee, to protest the possibility of it being restricted as well.
The head of Agriculture in the Florida Government, Democrat Nikki Fried, who aspires to run for governor in 2022, said in a statement: “We cannot let Florida follow Texas”.
The new Texas law, which took effect this month, prohibits abortion at six weeks’ gestation, which is when the fetal heartbeat can be detected, although in many cases many women do not even know they are pregnant.
There are no exceptions in cases of incest or rape.
In addition, it allows individuals to file civil lawsuits against anyone who helps a pregnant woman to have an abortion if they believe they are violating the ban, and offers damages of up to $10,000 to the plaintiff if she wins the lawsuit.
Since the failure of an attempt to get the Supreme Court of the United States to block Texas law, the authorities of the Florida Congress have made no secret of their intention to follow the same steps.
The governors of Texas, Greg Abbott, and Florida, Ron DeSantis, are in tune in their policies and in their opposition to those of President Joe Biden.
This Tuesday about 200 women, including politicians and Democratic congressmen, demonstrated at the gates of Florida Congress called by a coalition of organizations in favor of reproductive rights led by Planned Parenthood.