Dr. Vladimir Atilano Barraza , new director of the Eighth Health Region , reported that as of March 1, a new doctor could arrive as well as a nurse who will provide care in the Colorado community from eight to four in the afternoon, Monday to Friday.

However, the doctor made it clear that he will have a contract, which would imply vacations and other rights, since he will be attached to the Las Palmas Health Center .

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“From Monday to Friday, attention will be given from the first of March if the contract is resolved, meanwhile, since November of last year, consultations are being given twice a week, the doctor visits those two days, leaves the notice to the delegate since many times he goes and returns like this without paying attention, so it is important that people come ”.

He mentioned that due to the pandemic, supplies were projected for several months for the health sector and permission was requested so that said equipment will be kept in the Colorado health house, but all the material will be removed and the infrastructure will be free for the population .

It is worth mentioning that the citizens of Colorado are very upset since they affirm that they lack medical services, since the doctor who must go does not go, so the appointment of a healthy community is made an insult, since the center is closed turned into a warehouse and having to look for other options to be able to take care of their problems.

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In this sense, Dr. Atilano Barraza, explained that the residents of Colorado are assigned to the Las Palmas health center, which is why he is responsible for attending to this population as well as Tebelchía, El Zancudo and others that are around.

Also, that the Health House in El Colorado is a municipal house and is not a health center, so it does not belong to the Secretariat.

Therefore, in order to turn this space into a health center, in accordance with the regulations that require an entitlement of at least three thousand people and in that community there are a little more than a thousand people.

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Also that at a certain distance there are no services and in this case there is the Ranchito and Las Palmas health center and less than 20 minutes from the Puerto Vallarta Regional Hospital.

So this is the technical problem that afflicts even though there is a good infrastructure, but since it is a health home that is not registered with the Jalisco Health Secretariat, there is a commitment to provide care.

And although it has been several years for the Ejido to donate this place to the health agency, nothing has been specified.

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