A school for children with special needs in Hialeah is at risk of closing for the summer due to a lack of resources.

“About 80 students with special needs study at this school and if they don’t offer their services this summer, parents say they will have no other choice.

Yadira Serrano says her 7-year-old son Yalian’s school is a second home. “It was a miracle, my son has adapted well to this school, the education they give him is age appropriate and adapted to the elements and deficiencies he has at the moment.”

Yalian studies at the Trinity Christian Academy of the Angels Reach Foundation, where she is undergoing therapy, but has also found the support she needs for her condition.

“Basically my son is autistic, serious vestibular damage to the neuronal cavity, he has respiratory problems, heart problems. My son needs direct and specialized help,” reveals Serrano, the 7-year-old boy’s mother.

But classes end early and the academy doesn’t have the resources for a summer program.

Dory Luzardo of the Angels Reach Foundation and Trinity Christian Academy, located in Hialeah, says, “Normally we create a resource for the months of May through September, which is when state scholarships don’t not provide funds because the schools are closed”.

But if it closes for several months, most of the 80 students, from kindergarten to 12th grade, would risk not getting the education they need for the next 4 months, nor their therapies in the environment in which they are. accustomed.

Adela Bobadilla, the mother of Emily, a 9-year-old girl who attends the academy, says that “if this school closes I will be in limbo, we are all in limbo here because all these children here need help. ‘extra help that no school has’.

“Parents need to work and these kids can’t be left alone, even if they have parents, they can’t deal with the behavior of the kids,” said Angels Reach Foundation Dory Luzardo.

The campus founder says they have always met the needs of their students since they opened their doors 20 years ago, but recently faced several changes.

“In the last two years we have had to move four times, not by choice but by necessity and in this need to move we have exhausted all our resources”, explains Dory Luzardo, who asks the “community that we have been helping for 20 years, we urgently need our help”.

The parents and the school have done everything to raise funds, including several raffles, the first tickets will be on sale this Friday, all with the interest of raising 160 thousand dollars to operate from May to September.

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