What are the symptoms of spring asthenia and how to treat it?
The body’s adaptation to the new season does not occur in the same way in all people, some may experience fatigue, lack of concentration and discouragement.
We are close to the change of season, and the long-awaited and longed-for spring has its own characteristics and is usually considered the best time of the year, because it brings new airs and spirits to the entire population.
However, for many it is considered a season of risk, because the body needs time to adapt to the changes of this time of year, the body does not get used so quickly to the increased hours of sunshine, the flowering of plants, the presence of new colors and rich smells.
These are factors that should normally have a positive influence on the mood of each person.
But in some groups it can modify their overall well-being, manifesting itself with a physical alteration, which is known by the name of Spring Asthenia or Fatigue of the time of flowers.
It is a disorder unknown to many, but it affects half of the world’s population and people who suffer from this affectation, manifest a temporary disorder that alters the rhythm of life, also occurring in autumn but with a lower incidence.
It is more frequent in women and is generally common between 20 and 50 years of age. Changes in sunlight, atmospheric pressure, and the meteorological variability that we go through, alter the circadian rhythms (which occur during the day) and the changes are seen at the level of the immune system, favoring the appearance of infections.
In addition, the body responds with increased secretion of hormones:
– Pheromones (sex hormones)
– endorphins (hormones that regulate mood and our well-being)
– Melatonin (which helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle).
– Cortisol, which is released in response to stress.
People feel less strong during the day and report difficulty falling asleep, irritability, lack of concentration and reduced motivation.
There is a certain group of people who are even more vulnerable, especially people diagnosed with depression, who feel even more vulnerable, unmotivated and sad at this time of the year.
It is normal for this state to last for approximately two weeks, since this is the time it takes for the body to adapt to the new environmental circumstances.
These are the symptoms of spring asthenia?
– Fatigue and/or tiredness
– Lack of energy
– Physical and mental exhaustion
– Lack of motivation
– Anxiety
– Trouble falling asleep
– Disconsolation
– Grief
– Irritability
These are the medical recommendations:
Although there is no specific treatment, some guidelines can be followed, to alleviate the symptoms.
– Maintain good hydration (at least 2 liters of water daily).
– Follow a balanced diet (with a variety of foods containing minerals and vitamins to increase energy and strengthen defenses).
– Try to sleep between 6 and 8 hours a day.
– Do physical activity (walking, jogging, cycling).
It is important to visit the doctor to rule out another condition and evaluate the case, making a thorough interrogation and requesting a complete laboratory.
Once the diagnosis is made, keep in mind that this is a passing disorder, and it is recommended to be calm and welcome spring.